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I believe this to be the best in the series. I think it's mostly because you just have such great characters in it! I really am glad that you work on character development so much. I have grown more attached to these characters! I don't care about the astronaut token. Granted, that's because it isn't worth much here.

I'm glad there was just one medal for everything. The minigames were quite fun. It was cool to have three in a row! You put a lot of nice detail into all of this! It's a great conclusion.

This is a pretty unusual game for you. With that being said, it was a bit harder than most of yours. It was just hard for me to understand how to even go to these places. There were so many dangers. I'm certainly glad that this game had no medals! I still love your games.

The colors were great in this. It was hard to tell what part of the spike I could land on. There certainly wasn't much to go with. I had no idea those ones at the end were bonus levels. I can't imagine how hard they could be!

I have to admit that this was nothing that special. I always appreciate it when people are topical. Donald Trump definitely deserves to be mocked. This just didn't have much appeal. There wasn't anything too elaborate about it. The artwork was fine, I suppose.

I didn't understand why there were "Star Wars" sounds. Well, those are always nice. There just wasn't much to it. It was a bunch of things that looked the same. There should have been more variety.

I was never a fan of RPGs. It just wasn't something for me. I will say that there is nothing wrong with this. It really is nice to see this good animation. It seems to be like sprites, only more sophisticated. I wouldn't think this game would be in this section.

It seems pretty creative. There's a lot of nice little details. It just comes off as too complicated, like most RPG's. Oh well, if you like them, you should like this. I like all the music too.

I admit that this was quite frustrating. It was hard to understand the appeal. It seems like it was just the same panel over and over. I still managed to appreciate how fast paced it was. These guys looked more like Terminators than aliens. I guess the game just went on forever.

It was a bit pointless, but still quite fun. It was mostly because I was motivated to keep on playing! I just wanted more powerups! Yep it's frustrating but at least you'll achieve something with it. It was weird to honor someone else dying on September 11th.

I found this to be just okay, but that was about it. It seems like most people thought the same thing. I guess it's just because the sounds are too loud. You should at least be allowed to turn it down. Thank you for the mute option. It just seemed too difficult. It was amazing just how many things popped up.

It was annoying to have two 100 point medals. It's all or nothing here! I guess it was pretty creative at times. It just got too frustrating for my taste. It is kind of original, I suppose.

This is probably the best thing I've looked at all day! I admit that it's not that creative, but it's lots of fun for me. I just appreciate stuff that's original. The simple design really works for me. I think the music is quite appropriate as well. I didn't get medals left and right like I thought.

The best thing is how it isn't too hard. It takes a long time for it to get really frustrating. It's a game that you can really show your patience with. There's no stress at all involved. It was probably the music that did it.

Well, I guess I can't really recommend this game. It isn't technically good...or bad for that matter. I still appreciated it for what it was. You really did try to make something original with this. I got at least somewhat far. The music was great.

It's nice to have a game that's so easy to understand. Then again, it's still pretty difficult. I can enjoy a good challenge. The music does seem familiar. I've probably played so many games I've heard it there or somewhere else.

NeithR responds:

Thank you very much for the feedback! :)
I am sorry if it was too difficulty, but now I have reduced it using bigger squares which keep shrinking based on the score :)

I am sure the music is familiar, since myself ever heard it too but I forgot which game. Also, I found the music in OpenGameArt site :).

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