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Wow, I was amazed at how much I got into this game! At first it just seemed like a standard driving game, but it really got better as it went along. The weird thing was that all you really had to do was press one button and the car drove! I am amazed that I skipped past this one last year. Halloween or anytime, it's a great game! There's just so many things to upgrade and you don't even know what you are upgrading.

The only thing that annoyed me was when I got stuck in some places. That's a minor detail, because it's so fun to be motivated to go all the way with this game. I love the ragdoll physics. I can see why this has such a high rating. I appreciate all of the hard work and effort put into making this game.

This was a very strange game. Even the way it was formatted was out of the ordinary as it didn't seem to be an adventure game or defence game but a hybrid of both. What was weird was how I went past the instructions and didn't even mean to. Well, I wasn't able to get through this game very much. I will, however, get you credit for having a pretty interesting atmosphere. I appreciated all of the little details put into everything.

The music was also very graceful and really made it go smoothly. I still don't understand most of it, but at least it's something you can learn as you go along. The aerial view works as well as it would other times. It's just a nice, casual game. It could have been easier to understand, but not that bad all the same.

Wow, that was a truly bizarre and innovative game! What I liked the most was how you were able to change the background around you. If you play the game, you'll understand what I mean. It really gives you the feeling that you're in complete control over everything, which is nice in a video game. From the title, I thought it was going to be a game about a guy who stole things. It would have been much worse if it hadn't.

As always and forever, it's nice that you guys use those great graphics. You have done so many, it seems like there should be other people who have used that style. I love how this guy kind of looks like the Hamburglar. Boogers are gross, but whatever green stuff was used here, it was nicely done. Oh, and that yellow stuff kills you.

I thought this was a fairly decent game. What I didn't like about it was how it wasn't that well designed. At least it managed to have some pretty good gameplay along the way. You would be surprised at how annoying it can be when you have to keep on losing points for putting a head in by itself. Well, we do get to torture Justin Bieber, I suppose. The music is pretty good, if not all that unique.

It probably wasn't intended to be that good as it comes off as pretty cheesy. I guess it would have been better if it was submitted around Halloween time. Of course, horror shouldn't limit itself to just one month. It was pretty funny when the mouths ate up the heads. It's pretty so-so for its kind.

Dang it! I really have to stop playing all these dang games that I get addicted to so easily! What was amazing about this game was how there was simply a neverending army of enemies coming after you! I thought I had my work cut out for me with the first couple of bosses. I loved how all of the enemies had a really good design and they stood out so well. The sound effects were fantastic too. The only level I have not been able to beat is of course the final level.

At least I managed to get some good hits in. That boss is easily the hardest because he could strike back at you from a distance. That reminds me of that song. I love killing zombies and it was great fun to see this infinite carnage of enemies coming towards you! I love how you have numerous lives left. It is truly an experience that you have to play to fully understand and appreciate.

Wow, it's amazing how this only took so many hours to make. The design is very simplistic, but it's still extremely complicated. Even though only squares are being used (or other simple shapes) it really is well detailed! It's great that so many good games have come out of this. It just goes to show you how talented we are even if we don't have much time to do something. The music is also very nice.

It really does show you all that a person would do through to see their loved one. Even if their loved one is just a pink cube. Of course, you are yourself nothing but a blue cube! I guess it could have had more detail, but it didn't need it. Every new level sets out some new obstacle.

I wasn't that drawn into it at first, but it really got better the more I played it. I was amazed at how complicated such a simple looking game could turn out to be! It was nice to have such a good challenge. I don't even know what level I'm on that I am having trouble with. It wasn't that well detailed, but it didn't matter, because it didn't need it at all. It was a game that worked well as making you figure out puzzles in your head.

You truly had to experiment with this game. I guess there's not much else to say, because there's not much else that goes on. I liked how the first three levels were just there to help you. Oh, now I now it's Level 8 I'm having problems with. Praise be to all you guys who have beaten this thing.

I thought this was a fairly interesting game, just not one of your best. What I thought was coolest was how the animation was so good. What I didn't like is that it was a point and click game. It's been awhile since I've played a game by you where you made something like that. Anyway, as I'm not a fan of those kinds of games, I didn't enjoy it as much as I could. At least you show the instructions.

It was a bit difficult to understand how to play the game at first. I was hoping the whole game wasn't just shooting at that one guy. I have to give you props for having so many medals that are worth so many points. And they're not that hard to get too. It's been too long since you made a Front Page submission.

I thought this game was good of its kind. It mostly works because it's standard shoot em up zombie goodness. What I did find strange was how it just seemed to have a silly premise. I understand protecting things in a defense game, but this was also rebuilding your car. I thought it automatically did the work as you were fighting the zombies, but it didn't. It seems to take too long to reload.

It would have also been nice if there was some music in it. It's still a fairly solid game as the good outweighs the bad. What I appreciated was how the zombies didn't come directly after the car unless you were on top of it. Too bad you can't repair it while defending it. Still good for a zombie game.

I have to admit, I really don't know what score to give this. I was barely able to advance at all, as this thing was just too difficult. I am generally not good at point 'n click adventure games, but this is one of the hardest. At least I can give you credit on having some nice looking stuff that's out there. It's great to see some nice effort put into this stuff. Wow, you have made a TON of point and click adventure games.

I wasn't even able to use anything at all. I tried pressing both items on everything I could find and nothing seemed to work. People who are a lot better at these sorts of things should enjoy it more than I did. The music is pretty nice too. I think this may be the only entry in the series I have played.

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