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I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher rating! This was not a CGI game, but it was the closest you could get to one. The coolest part was probably how there was so much going on and everything was so fast paced. Then again, I guess any racing game like this would turn out like that. There may not have been a lot of detail, but it certainly seemed fast. I also thought the colors were great.

There's not much else to say about this, other than that it's really fun. I especially appreciate all the wonderful colors because everything stand out so well in this. The controls are nice and simple too. I didn't even know I could jump on my own and I have to in order to avoid those glowing green things. I appreciate all the fine details.

Okay, I don't want to just complain about how hard it is to get a single medal, but that is annoying. What makes things worse is that I don't even know how to advance when the part of the level is up. I can't make the jump that goes all the way to the next level or whatever it is. I still have to give you credit for having pretty cool graphics. You guys should realize you can only jump across a spike pit once. It may look like you can make it, but you can't.

I had no idea this character was even a girl! Then again, when the pixellation is that low, it can be hard to tell. I appreciate the decent music. I can see how this would be appealing to bigger fans of yours. Oh, and happy ludumdare24!

AdventureIslands responds:

If you mean how you can't reach the little island with the house after clearing the first dungeon, note that there is a pushable block nearby you can use.

This is a very interesting puzzle game. It's amazing how cocky you can get and not advance to the next level. While there wasn't a lot of detail, it made up for that in terms of how cool and complicated it was. It's great to have so much mobility and be able to jump across from the walls and everything. It also helps that the music is nice and fun to listen to. I had no idea there were going to be zombies in this.

Zombies of course make everything better. I like how you got a good picture of everything on the level. It gives you a lot of room to make way for ideas. It probably could be a bit more detailed, but still very nice. I never knew co-operation in a game like this could be so complicated. I guess you could beat it with two players.

ThomSip responds:

thanks for the review, and yes the game is a lot easier when playing with 2 players

Wow, I guess I'm hitting the jackpot with great stuff lately. I can't believe this was made in only 48 hours! It's a truly great game that everyone should play! I think its strongest point is probably how well everything flows together. As a fan of finding out about fractals, I was really interesting in this. It's easily the coolest thing mathematics ever taught us. What I didn't understand was how you defeat the boss at the end.

I managed to cause at least some damage to him, but nothing really lasting. Half the time it just made this weird sound and didn't effect him. I knew it was too easy to go around. I found it to be easier to just beat the game when you didn't even try to kill the enemies. There was that one sweet spot where you could always safely shoot. I was really impressed by this and thought it was great!

I thought it said "A brony" on the title screen at first. I was a bit disappointed at how the graphics weren't that good, but I managed to get pretty far with this. Here's how far I got. Go over to the part of the cabin that has the "5" and "52" on the walls and pick up the Morse Code Chart on the floor. Go the part of the walls with the illustrations or whatever and pick up the three repeaters on the wall. On the safe, the correct combination is to have the black bush on top and then the moon and then the star and then the moon on top.

There's also a battery on the floor that you can pick up. Under the TV screen, there's a fourth repeater you can pick up. On the poster, use the morse code to decipher out "SOS". I think you're then supposed to connect the two green things on the side together, but that didn't do me much good. I like how you create a good creepy atmosphere.

This game wasn't bad. I guess its main fault was that it wasn't that well detailed and didn't have that much going on. The graphics were not that good. I guess this wasn't supposed to be anything that great, but it just feels like it could have had more. I still have to give you credit for creating a pretty cool game as it is quite satisfying when you finally get to hit the soccer ball. It can be hard, especially when you lose all your points at once.

Well, all the better to motivate you, I guess. I think the sounds are pretty good. It's just not something that really stands out against all the other stuff we have here. Ninjas are always something cool. I probably do consider soccer to be my favorite competitive sport.

I really liked this game if only because the layout was great. I just love how it's a game that you can never truly lose. You just keep on going until you are simply unable to advance, which never happens anyway. I will say I was a tad disappointed there wasn't any sound in this. I knew it was going to take a surreal turn with how easy it seemed at first. None of the worlds seemed any harder.

It simply existed as an infinite loop, which worked out well. It wasn't well detailed, but it definitley didn't need to be. It was simply a simple (somewhat) game with a boy trying to collect spheres and junk. The sound effects were pretty good too. I love how little the kid is too.

Wow, I had no idea this game was going to be that much fun. I think its strongest point is probably how it takes place in such a neat little place. What I didn't like was how I'm no good at this game and there's simply too much going on. At least I managed to get some medals along the way. And yes, I made sure there was the exact same number of achievements in game as there were medals. I have no idea how to freeze more than one opponent at once.

I appreciate the nice atmosphere. I like getting the coins even though they don't seem to do much for me. It's just fun to hear the little clicking sounds as you get them. It's kind of a silly game, but still playable. I wish it snowed where I lived.

This stuff is nicotine, dude! I have been playing this freaking game for hours and it's amazing how I can never get tired of it! I think the best part is probably how the monsters are so wonderfully designed. It's great to see all this crazy stuff going on. It broke my heart on that one level with the black dragon, I managed to beat every enemy and even had the dragon down to a fourth of his health and I still lost! I have no clue why this isn't the #1 spot on the all time best.

The music is fantastic, completely flawless. I love how there's such a great attitude of adventure and everyone looks like they're having fun. Well, the characters in the game I mean. I'm certainly having as much fun as them. Most of the time I get medals without even knowing what I'm supposed to be doing. It all adds up to a fantastic, flawless game, friend!

tempalabs responds:

Thank you for your encouraging comment :)
Hopefully this game not doing you any harm like nicotine :D

I was truly impressed at how long it took me to complete a level. I have no idea in the slightest why anyone would think this was too easy. It wasn't until the second level that I read the instructions under the "Help" section. I really loved how cartoony this dog character was. He just stretched out in the funniest ways possible. It's the kind of thing you would see in a classic cartoon.

I wasn't even aware of the hearts on the top of the screen at first. The music was nice and fit the fun tone of the game. I'm really hitting the jackpot with good submissions lately. We don't put them on the front page for nothing! As always, you guys at Nitrome have some great graphics.

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