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I genuinely enjoyed this game, but it was frustrating. I had absolutely no trouble whatsoever telling what the words themselves were. I was just really confused as to how to put them together. It's a pretty complicated system. I guess that was part of the appeal. While not that well detailed, it didn't need to be.

It isn't really a game for little kids. It's too complicated! I at least managed to challenge myself with this. You really had to plan ahead with this. It's quite enjoyable.

I thought this game wasn't bad. I wasn't expecting to die when I got the answers right. It was more like a typical game then. I do admit that the graphics aren't that good. Everything seems too simplistic. It was just lacking detail.

The music was still pretty good. You had a decent amount of mobility. I guess I was just expecting more interactivity. I never got one wrong while I was playing! Then again, it isn't that complicated.

The artwork was great in this, but that was about it. I didn't know there wasn't any music in the actual process. I couldn't see how I showed off my creation. I guess I did have a good level of creativity. I wish it was more of an interactive game. I thought it would be a game where you smashed bunnies.

You certainly had potential for this. It was nice to look at. These just aren't the kinds of games I'm into. At least there are other people who enjoy it. You should have been able to change the color, or did I mess that?

I ended up liking this game a lot more than I thought I would. I was a bit confused on the sixth level. I knew I couldn't keep this up forever! It really is quite a complicated game. I do think the graphics could be a bit better. Sometimes, the level just played itself.

It just got to be that easy sometimes. I like it when the monsters fight. It really was different than what I was expecting. It's nice to have a maze game like this. I really liked it!

This was a pretty weird game. I guess it's because I could just not keep up very well. It seemed like it was more of a game about collecting coins than winning a race. I actually recognize some of these characters. It was quite nice to have a game from this perspective. It was a 2D whatever the opposite of side-scrolling is.

It was certainly creative. I just wasn't able to get too far with it. Still, I would recommend it. It was at least satisfying when you could get some of those coins. The animation/graphics were done very well.

I ended up really liking this game! I don't understand why it doesn't have a higher rating. I found it to be quite enjoyable. Then again, you just make great stuff. I loved the music. I just felt like this was really a game where you could go in on the action.

Point and click adventure games should have zombies. It's not just clicking on everything. It's hard to go wrong with zombies. There really were a lot of fine details put into everything. The atmosphere was set up very nicely.

I don't understand this at all. I didn't hear any sound. I am confused as to how this made front page. Well, some people like it, I suppose? It was pretty much just a bunch of dots interacting on a screen. There was really nothing of substance at all.

You need to have a lot more creativity. The same medals kept showing up on the screen. Some glitch, I guess? Well, I guess it was kind of different. It still was mostly unplayable.

I'm so glad to have come by this game! It really is freaking awesome! I especially love the purple boxes. You have no clue what they're going to do. I thought maybe the purple blocks couldn't hurt you. It looks like you're doomed no matter what you do.

That's the joy of drugs! This was a game that had real fluidity. You really notice all the fine details. I assume that tornado kills you. It's quite easy to die.

I ended up liking this game. I think it should be more popular. While it isn't too complicated, it's fun for what it is. I guess it's just interesting to have a slice of life story like this. It seems like all of those here are about selling. That should be useful someday.

The music is nice and soothing too. The graphics are pretty nice. While not all that unique, it's still a pleasant little game. At least it got over 5,000 views! That used to mean something at least.

I admit that I was really surprised by this game! It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! It really was nice to hit those targets. I'm still not quite sure how I won or lost a level. What matters is that there was a lot of creativity put into it. The music was great too.

It was lots of fun just to see that ball fly around. I wasn't even quite sure how to play it at first. It's just a fun game. You would be surprised at how hard it can get. There are so many great powerups, too.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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