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Can't hate it

I am in fact a fan of shooting games, but this one didn't entertain me as much as I thought it would. It's hard to hate on it, because it does have a lot of good things about it. What I liked most was how slick the graphics were. It's especially cool to see how well the targets go up. The only irritating thing was that I swear I hit on the bullseye a few times and it said I didn't. At least my score was pretty consistent with how well I hit it.

It seems like it would appeal to someone who is a fan of shooting targets. I have never done hunting or anything like that in real life. I have played a few hunting games, but those are better because you get to hit moving targets. I am fairly good at this, and probably too good to even enjoy it. It's fine for a quick little play.

That was a nice game

I thought this was a very interesting game to play. I think the only real thing it was missing was music. It just wasn't a game that had a lot of sound effects. While I prefer your shooting games a lot more, this was still a ton of fun to play. Its strongest point is probably how there's only a couple of levels but the levels get more massive as you go along. Normally, they would just get harder, but then again, that is how this game becomes harder.

The graphics, while that well detailed, were really nicely done. It seems like you were just trying to create a free spirited game and succeeded. It's great how many great lengths you can go in this game, literally. This is a game that just gives you a lot of freedom. I appreciate you making different genres of popular games.

Great to play

While I can tell it's an older game, it actually looks very good. You being the creator, it makes sense that you would have some of the best graphics ever on this website. I notice that it seems like on the fourth try, the person gets shot. It's hard to predict exactly what is going to happen. I have heard that there are in fact rock paper scissors tournaments, hopefully ones that don't involve Russian Roulette. It also helps that the music is so good.

While not the action game I was preferring, it's great to look back at the stuff you've done over the years. Just a rock paper scissors game wouldn't be interesting enough. You'd be surprised at how many times you get a tie from that. It's funny how you put this under "Sports". At least it'll tide us over until Pico 2.

Not too bad

What I liked about this was how well everything was presented. That might also be a negative, because at times it seemed a bit too simplistic. What also weighed it down was how there was no sound. I suggest you at least try to put some sound effects or music in this. At least you could have a song be part of it and just have a mute button to get rid of the sound. Level 5 was really the only one I am having trouble with.

What I also think is cool is that it's interesting when you have to collect all of the gems to move on. Well, I guess those are actually diamonds. What's also neat is how you're able to go so quickly. Unfortunately, it didn't have enough good things about it to recommend. I haven't played the original so I can't compare it at all.

It works for what it is

What I find funny about this is that it has only a few appealing features. I do have to admit that those few appealing features are pretty good. I think the best part is the animation/graphics. It really is cool to see this character plop around the ice pieces. I also like his voice. What did strike me as annoying was that this game was just really hard because you had to get everything right the first time you tried it and didn't get a chance to improve.

At least the music was pretty good. It seems like it was trying to soothe the player to get through this difficult game. I didn't even know that was a squirrel at first. This is probably better than your Tribal Jump game, if only because everything was slightly better. Wow, I just got a much better score on this game, it isn't that hard after all!

Fairly decent

What I liked about this was how there was really quite a bit of variety in the design of the levels. It did get kind of annoying when you only had one medal that was worth 100 points. Then again, that's probably just too whiny. What I found to be cool was how you were able to glide along so well. It seems like there was a lot of effort put into the designs. The sprites just look so good in this and the sound effects were good too.

I thought this would be a game about fighting elves, but it wasn't. I would recommend that next time you make a game that focuses more on enemies and not booby traps. I never liked those in a game. It kind of makes you wonder how there could be lit fires in an ice cavern. You are lucky for having this featured on January 13th!

Great game!

I could have sworn that this was a game made by The-Super-Flash-Bros. It's mostly because it has cutesy animals in it. It still helps that it was made by some of my favorite people on this website! It's great to see jmtb02 and Jimp working together. What I think is the best about this is how you are really able to take your time because you are always on the left most part of the screen as the game goes on. The visuals are great.

Don't expect me to want to have people stop shearing sheep, I'm no PETA guy. It's really cool how much power you can gain from just one upgrade. What I found weird was how it was hard to understand the mechanics a bit. It's still a very nice game mostly because it has such a great sense of fun in it. The music is as good as ever.

Decent of its kind

What I liked about this was that the graphics were actually decent. It's one of the few times where I saw sprite versions of the "Friendship Is Magic" characters. The best part is probably the music. It is very upbeat and sets off a really good sense of being in the clouds. Call me crazy, but I thought it was funny to see Rainbow Dash bump into Derpy and the clouds even though it took your life away. The pacing is good too.

Now for the negatives. I felt like there should have been more obstacles than just Derpy and the lightning. Those are the only ones I could find and it gives off the impression that the game isn't well detailed. It's still a nice game, but not the best MLPFIM game I've played. It kind of makes me wonder how long it will be until we get a collection for that cartoon.

Pretty nicely designed

What I thought was best about this was how it took its time. Granted, it did seem to go on a bit too long, but it was still fun to play. I think things really took off when the girl came and you got to show off your weapons. I assumed you would get a medal just by not skipping the first cut scenes, but I was wrong. At least I managed to get one without even looking at what that medal meant. The graphics are pretty good.

The music is decent and gives off a nice feeling of being in a medieval atmosphere. I was confused with how I wasn't able to interact with anything in the first houses. From the title, I was thinking this was going to be Clock Crew related. It's one of the few submissions that isn't. There's a fine amount of detail in this too.

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