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While not the best of games, I really did enjoy this. It's mostly because it's easy to understand. I appreciate the sounds and designs. It seems like everything is about "Attack On Titan" recently. I even managed to get some medals! I will admit it was a bit redundant.

It did really motivate you to work harder. You got 0 points for everything! I assume you get some if you kill the monster. I'm not sure if the projectiles count as enemies. I mean, you can destroy them.

I have to give this game credit, because it's freaking hard! I couldn't even understand how to move at first. I then realize you could only move in a certain area. I assume the instructions meant only the blue part. It does have good graphics. I mean, it's impressive to have good graphics in something so small!

The music was fine too. I just can't quite recommend this, because it's too difficult! Still, it's in no way terrible. I'm not good at this kind of thing in real life either. I was just never into paving.

I was underwhelmed by this. I thought that a game about someone as popular as Miley Cyrus would be more popular. I at least give this credit for being what it was supposed to be. It really lacked music. Of course, it would be crude of me to say I wanted porn. You can see that anywhere.

Well, I guess not with her...shutting up now. The drawings themselves weren't that good. I don't think they were trying to be realistic. You should have made them more like that. Totally forgettable.

While I didn't like it as much as most people, it was still good. It's mostly because you create so much action with such limited movement. I love when it goes red, indicating how you beat the level, or I guess, cleared the area. I appreciated the good graphics. I don't quite understand the bow, though. It's always nice to have clear cut instructions.

Speaking of cuts, this game had some great ones! It was in a sense a game that played itself. It's at least nice to look at. It helps that I'm pretty good at it. It is worth looking at.

I didn't find anything too wrong with this game. I thought it wasn't bad. I was kind of confused as to why the sheep didn't look like mutants. They seemed mostly ordinary. I was confused as to why the blood showed up on screen. Was it telling me I was losing?

That's what blood on screen means most of the time. The music was pretty good. I didn't quite understand how to buy stuff. It was kind of hard to show how much money I had. I liked how the Sun killed the sheep too.

This game really was great! It's mostly because the atmosphere is set up so perfectly. I guess I'm getting into the Halloween stuff once again. I appreciate how good the graphics are. I kind of wish I could play it better. I'm glad I don't die when I walk in on a guy cutting open an alien!

I really do like the little details put into everything. It even goes in real time! The DVD menu shows up, but I don't think I can watch anything there. The sounds are good and frightening. It's worth looking at.

I didn't think this game was that good. It's probably because it was too hard for me. I just kind of lost it on the third level. It was too easy to bump into those bombs. You should have just had one of your own bombs take them all out. It still has pretty fine details, though.

The music is pretty nice. I just don't think it adds up to much. Maybe my hands are just too shaky. More experienced people should like it. You did make something pretty original.

It's kind of crude for me to go and say I didn't like this. I didn't, because I couldn't get far. I do like the idea at least. I know I've played this before and I at least think I did better. I'm just not one for games like this. There's still nothing bad about it.

I do think the graphics could be better. It's still nice to see how far you can get. I don't understand the cloud thing. I couldn't get it to rain or anything. Well, it was complicated.

This game really did take off when I looked into it more! I was just surprised at how good it came to be. The best part was probably how you could track the enemy down like that. I appreciated that so much. Otherwise, it just would have been too difficult. You can really play the game at your own pace with that.

The music was great. The colors really worked well with how vibrant they were. It's so much more complicated than it looks like at first. The graphics could have probably been better though. Ether is cool!

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