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I liked this even if I'm not a sloth fan. Well, I loved "The Goonies". I appreciate the variety. I wonder how many people have done the final one. You know, with all the ones at the end. It doesn't go back to the beginning at the end.

You know, with the green skin and everything. The music was pretty good. I wasn't expecting the background to change. That really was quite colorful. This was a pretty good game.

That's pretty bad fora cop to be doing. Still, this game wasn't terrible. I just found it boring. I'm not a fan of these kinds of games. The graphics don't hold up well. I can never decide if I should call them graphics or animation.

It was at least easy to understand. Maybe too easy. It should please fans of the other games. This just didn't do it for me. The voices weren't bad, though.

The premise was good, but there was one major problem. How do you even win this game? It just made no sense to me. I couldn't go anywhere without touching the yellow balls. It kind of reminded me of "Pac-Man" with the dots. It wasn't nearly as entertaining though.

It was too simplistic. Well, it was challenging at least. In a weird way, I was motivated to play more. Then again, that's probably because it's so easy to play. Not that easy to understand though.

I liked this game a lot! At first, I was thinking the rabbits would literally slow me down. Eventually, they did! I also loved the animation. Everything seemed so nice and simple. Then again, it was made in a short time.

That was just fine. It turned into a puzzle game. I liked that! I was thinking that you could just leave the bunnies behind but you needed them all to go to the next screen. I should've known that would be too easy.

I'm suspecting it was something with my computer, but this just didn't go anywhere for me. I was thinking there should be sound. The graphics did look nice. I just wasn't able to move fast. I guess the designs are pretty cool. This is what I get for buying a cheap laptop!

I still was kind of mobile. The colors were good. It was just so slow for me. I couldn't hear anything. Well, other people liked this.

I was impressed at how fun this got. Okay, I didn't like it nearly as much as most people, but it was still fun. The best part was probably how you gradually understood it. There were a lot of minor things going on. Luckily, it didn't get too confusing.

It was weird how I didn't get the medals in chronological order like I do most of the time. Maybe I was playing it wrong? It was still quite fun. I like building my own living area.

I just found this game boring. I had no idea I could die so easily. I just fell off into the darkness. I guess it makes more sense that I could do that. This was still at least unique. Well, not that quite different than the other games.

I find it hilarious how you have to pay for things. I'd think these pyramid things wouldn't have any form of currency. What are they anyway? It's weird to see them that intelligent. Well, it was harmless.

It was scary to think of a giant cat tumor. Dang, why'd you have to put that in? I feel bad for how long this takes. I don't know why the palms have kiss marks on them. Something ironic? At least I didn't lose by being arrested in this game.

His voice was pretty funny. It was still fairly boring. Most point and click adventure games are for me. It was more of a choice game. Is there a category for those?

I was more impressed by this game. The first episode? I believe there were others before this one. Is the numbering like "Star Wars"? The animation was okay. It's hard for 2000 animation to hold up well.

I do like this woman. It's interesting to develop a relationship. I didn't know I danced that bad! I'm not going to sexually harass her. Every celebrity is doing that nowadays.

The animation isn't that bad. I admit that I like how the woman looks. That has held up. It's just kind of a boring game for me. At least other people like it. Well, I gave it the score most people did overall!

The voices aren't bad. They are kind of bland. It kind of goes on too long. Well, this was 2000. Then again, we had great stuff even back then.

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