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Wow, I was really impressed at how this turned out. Originally, I thought it was going to be a parody of Mario Bros. played out in the real world. It suddenly stopped being realistic with the crab jury. I was not expecting it to be as crazy as that. Good thing Mario wasn't in this scenario, speaking of him! I thought the graphics were really cool. It should be easy to figure out how to get the secret medals.

I loved the penicorn appearing in one of the endings. Seriously, those guys need to appear more in flashes. I lost control a few times, but other than that, I had a good time. At least your girlfriend's always there for you. Hey, I never step on crabs in real life.

Wow, this is one complicated game. It's not so much that it's hard, it's just that it's more frustrating. I was confused at the sheer number of levels there were in one world. I guess it was just something I wasn't prepared for. I did get used to the changing gravity thing pretty quickly. The main character looks like a hamster with squid legs.

Looking at your name, I think that was the intention. I felt the music was also pretty moving and pushed the game along well. I wish there was some means of defense I had. Of course, I did have some fun with it being more of a challenge. This is worth checking out!

I wasn't expecting that much from this game, but it turned out to be really cool! I think its strongest feature was probably how good the gameplay was. It seems like it's been awhile since I've played a game from you guys. How long has it been since I mentioned how much I love the graphics? Anyway, this is very fun to play because of how you create your own help with the ladders.

It doesn't make much sense, but it's still fun. I had no idea a game where you couldn't jump on your enemies could be this enjoyable. At least you can kill them indirectly. The music is also quite appropriate and sets out a good mood. Even the protagonist is well designed.

I was pretty impressed by this game. I think that really its only fault was that some of the stuff seemed out of angle at times. This one car seemed like it was just floating on the air. It was hard to tell if the guy coming at me in the foreground was an enemy or not. Luckily, I caught on pretty quickly. It's funny, because at first I couldn't tell what perspective this was taken from and thought I was an enemy and shot in my own direction.

The music was as good as ever. Fans of your stuff like me should enjoy this. Dang, do I love that intro where you set fire with a match. It's amazing how much action there's going on, even in the freaking main menu! It also seems unique for you.

I did not like this. I think the main flaw was that it just seemed to get hard too fast. It was very pretty entertaining to be able to kill the first guy so easily, but not so much the next one. It was kind of funny how you depicted the bullets as flashing lights. At least the gameplay was pretty easy to understand. It is still nice to go back to some 2012 Madness stuff.

Granted, there wasn't a lot this year, but still nice to know it's at least still popular. The graphics did seem to do a fairly good job of imitating the original cartoons. The music wasn't that bad either. It's just that it seems to get too repetitive with how I keep on being defeated on the second level. At least you made something easy.

I thought this was fairly playable. I did not like it as much to really enjoy it, because the artwork wasn't that good. Then again, it was only made in 48 hours. I actually was a tad motivated to beat this thing. My other problem is that the gameplay is fairly difficult, especially with how you have to use the arrow keys to attack. It would make more sense if it was just a single key.

The music is actually pretty good. It took me awhile before I got to understand the Halloween aspect as I didn't know what it was about. I should have known that a lot earlier. The soundtrack was pretty good. I wish there were some ways to get health.

I was really turned off by how there was no sound in this. I will admit that the graphics are fairly decent. Another problem I have is that it's a bit hard to get used to. It seemed like you were looking for something that was big and this did fit the bill. You have to pay attention to absolutely everything going on here. I can actually see this becoming better.

I should judge it fairly as it is a demo. Then again, demos are kind of frowned upon on this website. It had a pretty funny title too. You might want to put in a couple of enemies, but then again, it is pretty hard on its own. I like how the liquids move.

jozzarozzer responds:

Yeah the sound and music is something i will be working on closer to the end of development and there are a couple of enemies in the fourth level (the first grass level)

Dude, it was fricking unbelievable how hard this game is! I got the first one which was just Pico, down very easily. Apart from that, this game was Hell! It is kind of interesting to see a game with medals that doesn't have to do with Halloween or horror or anything like that. I thought I knew my characters! I guess this at least makes me feel better about getting better grades on actual quizzes and tests.

Well, some of them are easier, so I'll give you credit for that. The drawings in this are really well done. I didn't know Lilg was so good at drawing other characters. I like the music and know that I have heard it before. It's just one screen, but it's still a well detailed game!

This was a pretty weak game. It was strange how your game got the image preview for NG Game Jam 8 when it's the lowest rated. It's not so much that the graphics are that bad, it's just that there isn't much detail. You seem to need to know more about lines and how to put variety in your creations. The music isn't that bad, I guess. It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games.

I couldn't see how this could be appealing to people who are fans of those kinds of games. I clicked through everything and nothing seemed to work. I can understand how this was made in six hours. It's not that appropriate for the jam, but it did get in the collection. There should be more detail and gameplay.

maxman43 responds:

I know plenty about lines. For example, the shortest distance between two points is a line. Geometry is fun stuff.

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