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I can see why this is so popular! A pity it's been years since your last review! At least it's great for what it is. It reminded me a lot of the Zelda games featured on the old Game Boy. The colors were really vibrant in this. I just loved how you could move around everywhere.

The sounds were wonderful. It's a game that you can just go on and on with. It doesn't get repetitive, because you can find new ways to play it. This really does seem like a Game Boy game. The music is great as well.

I found this to be a good game. I admit that I didn't really understand it at first. It was weird without any music. At least there were sound effects. I don't see what the point in all that other stuff is. When it was fast, it was pretty good.

You could have had some better designs. I will give it credit for being original. It's funny to see these things fall from the sky. It's nice and cartoonish. It's at least interesting.

I enjoyed this game. There was one major flaw to it. The resolution wasn't good at all! I really do appreciate how the gameplay is so straightforward, though. It's the kind of game you can really get lost in. I do like most of the graphics.

For the most part, the game works. It kind of reminds me of Twisted Metal. Dang, has it been a long time since I've played that. The sounds are really good. The ways of attacking cars is really creative too.

I found myself interested in this game. I guess it isn't that unique. It does get a bit repetitive. I still like how there's a lot going on, but it's still easy to understand. I guess that made it a bit easier. The music is quite nice.

There's a lot of things to choose from. I didn't even notice a lot of them at first. I guess I can see why this isn't that popular. I would still recommend it. It's pretty colorful, too.

This was almost the perfect game! There was only one problem: Level 17. I easily beat them all except that one, which I keep failing at. You have to be really good to beat it. It's still wonderful to play. There are so many new and interesting things to look at.

I appreciate how good the graphics are. The music is nice and high paced as well. The walkthrough didn't seem to help me any. Well, it's great for what it is. The ricochet bullets are the best part.

This wasn't bad, but I didn't quite understand it. I couldn't even find any zombies at first! It seemed like I was just walking around everywhere. I still appreciate how good the artwork is. The stuff with the cutscenes is great. You really have some fine details.

I wish I knew where this name came from. It's really cool! I guess this is the last in the series. I would think there'd be 53, lol. The music is nice and suiting. It's just not memorable.

I didn't know what kind of game this would be at first. I really do appreciate how I was able to understand it more. It helps that it starts off fairly easily. It is great to be able to move your soldiers around so well. Mobility always works. I say that a lot.

The sounds were quite good. You had a clear understanding of what was going on. I'm glad you made a game like this. While not that popular, at least it has a high rating. The soldiers are designed quite well too.

There's some weird glitch in this game. Whenever I try to do something a second time, it just keeps on flashing the screen. It does this same annoying sound. I guess it's nice to have an educational game. Maybe this is simply too old of a game. I mean, it hasn't been reviewed in a long time!

Besides that, it's a fine game. It can be hard to understand the gameplay. I suppose it was unique in that sense. It just didn't do much for me. I can see why it never got popular.

I found this to be a great game! I'm surprised it isn't more popular. I really appreciate all the nice little sounds. I like how you seem to get a lot of chances to beat the game. I think you can move some parts without causing any to pop out. Even the idea was creative!

I have played games like these lots of times before. I just appreciate you adding a new twist. It's nice to see the backgrounds change. It's just a very cute game. I would obviously recommend this.

I love this game! It's mostly because I'm so good at it. It's also because it's the last in the series. I do like it when people work for a grand finale. I really did get a good understanding of what was going on here. The animation was quite good.

Well, it wasn't really animated, but the drawings were good. It was nice to see different tasks. It wasn't just about killing zombies. The credits were a bit too long, though. Congrats on having such a popular series!

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