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It was nice to play this game around Easter. It's too bad the actual Easter Bunny hasn't come around this Easter. It's a long story with my parents. I appreciated how cute this was. I guess it was a bit too simple. I still appreciated it.

While not great, I would recommend it. It was interesting just to see all these little things going on. You had a lot of freedom with this game. The graphics are quite good. It's a very cute game.

This game was good, but it was quite complicated. I will give it props for originality. The music is pretty good. I really couldn't get a good control on this. I do like the graphics. I really didn't know that was how hail worked.

I guess it makes sense, the more I think about it. I beat one level and I think that was just luck. It's just so hard to control the hail. It is nice when it manages to hit stuff. Maybe I'm bad at this game because I live in Florida.

I admit that there was more to this game than meets the eye. At first, it seemed too easy. I really did understand how it got harder and harder as it went on. I appreciated something so challenging like that. The layout was quite nice. It didn't need to be more elaborate or anything.

The music was really good. I liked how this was in such high spirits. I was surprised how downward I went after the first level. At least I got some medal. Overall, it was quite enjoyable.

Lampogolovii responds:

Thanks for your feedback!

I thought this game was pretty well designed, but not that enjoyable. It was mostly because I wasn't able to inflict much damage on my enemies. Now, it actually does give you a fair amount of health. I just don't know if those big robots can even be beaten. I don't even think the attack droids killed a single enemy. There are some nice effects.

Putting the lights on doesn't really clear much up. You really have to be prepared with this. I guess the title...wasn't bad. The music's pretty good. It just isn't a game for me.

I found this game to be pretty good. I will admit that it got frustrating. You didn't have much of a defense when the enemies kept on coming and coming. I think the graphics aren't bad. I would like it if you could move the ship around. It is nice to control something so big.

I was surprised at how many enemies came up. It just seemed sudden. I couldn't see many visual improvements with the actual upgrades. It was still pretty nice. That firing sound did get annoying after awhile.

This was a pretty good game. I was a bit confused by the gameplay at first, but it got better. I appreciate how there was a good amount of action. The graphics could have been better, but they were still nice. I especially like how there's a good amount of creativity. You are able to get a look at the big picture.

The music was quite nice. I didn't know if I was supposed to help that guy at the beginning. At least I wasn't allowed to kill him. You have good mobility here. It does look a bit too cartoonish, though.

I thought this game was just okay. It was probably the most mediocre game for Stencyl Jam 2015. Most people seem to agree with me. Congrats on being the most viewed of its kind! The graphics weren't that good. I guess it had to have pixels, given the title.

There should have been music. I thought it might have been a defense game at first. I guess you have to just let it rest with this. It does play itself after awhile. I guess it was kind of educational.

plopix responds:

Hello Ericho, thank you for your review and honesty.
That game was made without any pretention, this was my first game, and I made a lot of mistakes, and it clearly appears that I am not an artist.
The game is between idle and strategy, indeed, this was the concept at first, to make a kind of realTime idle ressource game, but I think I will turn it more into an active defense game for an eventual sequel.

I could not get into this game at all. I could not even understand the physics. I can certainly understand why this is the lowest rated game for Stencyl Jam. I couldn't tell if the line went opposite of what I was supposed to do or not. Apart from that, the design was too simple. It was very generic stuff.

I didn't even think the sounds were right. There should have been much more detail. I know someone like Cyberdevil can do better. You're one of the most prolific reviewers out there! Then again, most people hate my personal stuff even more.

kasehaussoftware responds:

Cyberdevil was kind enough to assist us in improving this project. We're still very new at this whole process and are striving for continuous improvement in our projects. CD brings a high level of experience and community with him which I believe can benefit us greatly. We are very thankful for his help and would welcome any others who would be willing to work with us to improve our games.

I appreciate how this is an original game. I admit that I was quite annoyed by how hard it was. You lost all of your bells when you got damage. It was weird how you couldn't help more of them afterwards. I guess that just wasn't shown. The fire's nice at least.

Well, not nice for me. I can tell you're the same guy who did those painting games. This isn't as good. I was expecting a Saved By The Bell parody. Well, I guess it is just a phrase used by a lot of people. It's at least playable.

Munguia responds:

Thanks for review Ericho, like every game things can be easy for some players but others not, this game can be won on 3 minutes.
Of course Famous Paintings are better, i spend 7 years paint em and goes on, this game is an small pum, just a quicky shot.

I found myself surprised that I liked this. It's still nothing great, though. I really do appreciate how easy going it is. The artwork is pretty realistic. Granted, I don't know if a car could flip like that in real life. I didn't even notice what the shift button did at first. I was indeed motivated to play this.

It's pretty mundane, if not for the crosses everywhere. Is this supposed to be a religious game? It's kind of weird symbolism. I do getting achievements. They may not be medals, but I like how they are told on screen.

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