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Wow, I really liked this a lot! The only reason I didn't give it a perfect 5 is because I do wish that it could have been easier to go without running out of fuel. Why would running out of fuel cause you to explode anyway? Well, this is still a very nicely done game. It's also cool to get the sense that you're invinsible. I do wish that there was some upgrade about how much fuel you could get. That seemed like an obvious one.

The only reason I died was because I was setting a new combo record for myself at a whopping 30! The urge was just too great to give that up. I think this might be the best The-EXP game I've ever played. The music is great too and really gets you pumped up for what's going on! This was on Halloween, but had nothing to do with it.

I thought this was a very enjoyable game. The thing that made it so cool was how you had no idea what was going to pop up next in it. I lost count of how many different types of levels there were. It was so good how they were all so different. The bunny one was mostly a tribute to Super Mario Bros, and I could find some other big influences elsewhere. I think the bunny level is probably my favorite kind as it is the easiest, lol. You would think a ninja would be able to kill opponents.

I like how it's presented as if it's on an actual game cartridge. Boy, do those things bring back memories. When you said "game cart" in author comments, I thought of the Mario Kart series. Anyway, the music is also extremely impressive and gives off a nice, fun sense. It's also cool to see how they go across dimensions or whatever they are.

Congradulations on getting the most viewed submission I have seen on this website at the portal today. What I think is coolest is how the graphics are nice. It can be pretty hard. Then again, it's basically just the same scenario over and over, so it's not that bad. Of course, that could be bad in itself. I guess you just could have detailed this a lot better, maybe had more going on or more things to shoot.

This is my first review with the star rating working! It now says the star rating I am giving it as I am writing the review. The music is fairly decent. You could probably just make it longer, as it seems a tad too short. It's okay for what it is.

Psionic3D responds:


Well, I would probably like this game more if not for the fact that it's freaking hard! It can take so dang long for you to get the angle just right. Not to mention the fact that you die so easily just by not balancing it out properly. The worst thing is probably how you have to collect all of the coins in a single bunch in ONE jump or you don't get to keep any. At least you don't have to get them after you've died. If someone else does a lot better, I will be impressed.

The graphics, music, etc. are all pretty good. It's just too easy to die! I suggest you probably get rid of one of the hazards that kill you, either falling below or falling on the wrong angle. It's just so easy to ruin everything! I wish I had some idea what the name meant. Did you make it up?

I can't recommend this, because it didn't have that much out of the ordinary. I thought that I was pretty good at this game myself, but I didn't do too well at it. I do hope things went well in your job interview. Gee, it's been so long since that, you've probably gotten another job! I do appreciate the efforts to make it seem like its predecessor. Despite the fact that I did poorly, I did managed to hit that bonus point red thing.

The sounds and everything else are pretty authentic to the game. I guess it's just that this wasn't one of my favorite childhood games. Well, that and I'm not good at this version at least. It doesn't need more detail, because it's everything the original game has. Bigger fans should enjoy this more than I did.

I thought this was pretty good, but it did need some more stuff. You should have probably put some upgrades or something in the game itself. I didn't understand how I was supposed to progress that much. At least it has all the qualities of a good projectile game. I guess that's what you call it nowadays. I especially think it's funny how you include a description of how the rats like this happening to them.

You know how crazy those PETA people can be. The graphics weren't that good, but did seem to work in their own simplicity. I especially like how silly the rats look at times. They seem more like mice, who are smaller, or at least the only difference I know of. It's probably more for people who are fans of yours. I like how they wave their arms.

Wow, the most annoying thing about that game was that you lost all your health if you fell down in one of the spike pits or whatever. Granted, I guess that makes sense, you just should have had more lives. What I did think was cool was how the combination was always different. You didn't know what to expect next with the enemies. When I was getting ahead, it seemed like I was repeating some levels. I guess that's because I probably was.

I appreciate the nice graphics, but some of the controls don't work that well. I swear I must have triggered something on one level where the controls were the opposite of what they should have been. The name reminds me of the game "Tomb Raider". Granted, it was really nothing like that, the name just sounded like that. At least you can get through some of them at first.

Wow, I would have never thought that a game about popping balloons could be so hard! This is another one of those games where you really earn the medals you're getting. I'm really stuck on the sixth level, I think is what I'm at. You might want to include a label saying which level it is next time. The hardest part was probably how you only had a certain number of arrows to fire. There wasn't anyway of letting you know how many shots you had left.

You might want to work on that next, but then again, I might just be complaining about a game I'm no good at. I appreciate the nice music. I knew the graphics of this game looked familiar. It looked more like work by The-Super-Flash-Bros, who I guess you have sponsored a few times. It's pleasant enough to recommend.

You have certianly created a very hard game. For the first two levels, it's actually not that bad. It wasn't even until the third level that I realized those pigs were for the number of lives you had. Most games just let you go on forever. Dying that many times is punishment enough for playing. The music sounds like it's from the Mario Kart games. I guess everyone wants to kill and eat those pigs.

You really don't have to be that near your girlfriend when you reach her, which is convinient. I really like the graphics, particularly with how the titles just bounce out at the player. It has all the workings of a creative game. It can be pretty annoying when you can't kill the enemies. The colors are great too.

This is a fairly strange little RPG. I guess I just didn't like it that much because I'm used to there being more action in games like this. You did certainly go out of your way to create your own world for this to happen. I get the feeling that you're really off in a place specifically created by you. The music is pretty good and the graphics aren't bad. I'm just not that good at these kinds of games, but that is not your fault.

I don't think I played the first one, so I'm not familiar with the setting. Most of us know what it's like to be in a hotel obviously. I have to give you tons of credit for having so many solutions to this game. I can't figure out a single one! Well, if you're a fan of big games, then this is your game!

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