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Dude, nothing could be more frustrated than listening to Bill Maher like I have been for a long time today. I've gotten most of my frustrations out already. Well, I managed to do the first level without any difficulty. Yeah, it is pretty bad from there on. I will give you credit for being creative. It of course got frustrating fast.

I would still recommend it. This really was an unpredictable game. That really is what I want in a game. I guess it could have been more detailed. Of course, then it probably would have been een more frustrating.

I found this to be a fairly good game. I don't quite remember the other entries in the series. It does seem familiar, though. I thought it would be like a dating sim. You know, you would select what things to say. Well, it had some romance in it.

The designs and colors were quite nice. It was interesting to play. Yeah, I did mostly just click through everything. The music was fairly good as well. It is worth taking a look at.

I have to admit that I was turned off by how the game was played. I was hoping you could at least do it more than once. You had only one turn to get it done, however. I still think it's a pretty original idea. It's weird to always have to have a hole in one to advance. The music was alright.

You really do just have to experiment with everything here. The colors were pretty nice. It's great you finally won an award! It still doesn't have many views, unfortunately. I really do like miniature golf in real life.

I couldn't get into this, because I couldn't understand it. It just seemed too bland in design as well. It was just you clicking on stuff. I didn't even see how I could win or even lose at it. The drawings just seemed too simplistic. There should have been more detail.

I guess it just didn't come off as anything too special. I did want to learn how to do it. There were no real rewards for me. Hey, that's the name of a theater! Anyway, I would have preferred a more active game.

I thought this game had a pretty good twist on it. It did get a lot harder with the blue guys that followed you. I kind of wish there was only one when they first came. I would still recommend this. It came off as quite original to me. I didn't even know you had to shoot the blobs at first.

You didn't show damage or anything. Staying in one spot will do sometimes. I like how you have the aim thing. The music is really good too. It gives off a good technological feeling.

Well, I guess this game wasn't bad, it's just that I'm not good at it. I will definitely give you credit for having an original idea. It really was nice to have control like that. I just kept having them go offscreen. It seems like it's a guess on what to do. If you find the right position, you're just fine.

The music is really nice as well. It pays in well to the outer space theme. I have just been reading up some stuff about planets! I'm not sure how scientifically accurate this is. Of course, it doesn't have to be.

It seemed like an interesting concept, but there was one main flaw. It was way too slow! I wish there was an option to speed it up. It just dragged on. I mean, there's nothing really stupid about this game. It could just use better gameplay. The design is okay as it is.

I guess you were trying to make something at a good pace. It was too slow. You should have the option of speeding it up. It makes more interesting gameplay. Besides, four balls to pass seems like a bit too much.

This turned out to be more interesting than I thought! I was really quite impressed at how unique the gameplay was. I will admit that it was kind of boring. Still, there's nothing too bad about it. We should have more simple games like this. The sounds and music are quite nice.

It is pretty easy at first. I'm glad I could understand the instructions easily. It's just nice to see all those colors. I like how you see them merge. Oh my glob!

I honestly think I've played harder. Well, that I Wanna Be The Flash Game comes to mind. I am quite impressed at how complicated it is. As the name suggests, it's quite unfair. It's mostly because you have to collect the coin(s) in every level. That really contributes to a lot of deaths.

The music is quite good. Okay, it is really hard. It just takes a lot time to beat each level. You have to count on so many things going right. It seems like this game fulfilled its purpose.

Snubby responds:

You should try WHG3 on addicting games, its even harder and the level design is much better. too bad i can't get it on NG. Thanks for the review.

Here's another game I was surprised that I could get into! It was a lot of fun to hit that ball. I was afraid that it would be too hard. I am so glad you get more than one shot. I mean, it didn't really mean possible if you didn't. The music was really nice too.

This should be more popular. I like how there's always new things. I'm glad those little arrows don't kill you. Of course, they do something equally annoying. It was quite a stylized game.

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