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I was thinking there was something wrong. It was just this one guy running around. It didn't even change screens when he left. Was that intentional? I can see why this is universally despised. At least it's a family picnic.

The music wasn't bad, I suppose. There was a turkey which reminded me of Thanksgiving. That got me in the holiday spirit, I guess. It was just so dull. You need more.

The artwork was quite nice here. This reminded me of another game. I'm pretty sure that was you who made that, right? This was very nicely detailed. Was this a sequel to that other game? Well, I wish there was an easier medal.

This really was a lengthy game. I can always appreciate a lot of detail. They always look good. It just didn't seem that unique from some of your other games. It's still pretty interesting.

I didn't understand this. I couldn't even speak the language. There was nothing going on. There just wasn't much going on. There needed to be shading. It just wasn't very interesting.

I can understand why the rating is so low. There needed to be action. I guess I shouldn't be judging something I can't understand. I couldn't follow this. Nice title at least.

When I think of Dad on this website, I think of "Dad's Home". It was hard to tell what was going on in this. I just beat the game, I think. It was too short. There must have been some deeper meaning. Maybe I did something wrong?

I'll give it credit for being interesting. It was quite mysterious. How was it about a dad? Well, this did well in this competition. Good for you, I guess.

I was confused by how low the quality was. When I changed positions, it did in fact get much better. I'm assuming that was part of the game. I can see why the ratings are so low. I will give this some credit. It was at least unique.

The music was great. It just wasn't anything to really remember. There was some creativity. I just couldn't understand it. It wasn't much fun.

I guess I was motivated to play a little. This still had nothing going for it. The graphics were very low quality. I guess I didn't try my cat abilities much. It's just a game with really slow play. The music wasn't bad at least.

There just needed to be a better design. This jam was pretty cool. I just wished there was more to look at. I didn't even know much about how I died. I wish I could jump higher.

I was surprised at how much fun this was. I'm still not that good at it. It's mostly because of how smooth running it is. Everything is just so well organized. The music's great too. It does a lot with how simple it is.

It certainly escalates. The graphics are simple enough. It's a pretty original concept. I've played too many versions of Javanoid or whatever it's called to list. This was interesting.

Um, okay. When I went into the water, I lost by bow and arrow. I mean, I had no means of defense. I looked closely and I'm pretty sure it's gone. It was too laggy as well. I guess the graphics were nice.

I just couldn't understand it. It moved too slow. Well, I did play the original version. I wish I could go back to the menu. That's another flaw.

Sorry, but I didn't care much for this. It's probably because I couldn't get far. The graphics are still really nice. I don't know how this ties into the concept of having only one. Well, it probably comes later in the game. I don't like point and click adventure games.

They're too boring. I'm starting to get more into RPGs. The title's pretty nice. The voices are nice, especially the crocodile's. Thank you for the walkthrough.

It was certainly a big game, but it wasn't good. It was mostly because it didn't look that nice. You need to have better graphics. You could use better shading too. It took awhile to get interesting. I didn't care much for the story.

At least the music was nice. Wow, you created a lot just for this game. It does seem massive. It just isn't appealing to me. At least it wasn't insulting.

blairox responds:

Hello Ericho,
Well, it's not size that matters !
About the graphics, I totally agree with you. Unfortunatly, nobody in the team is a professional graphist. I will probably concentrate in less graphical-dependent projects in the near future.
I'm glad you liked the music, even if I'm not totally satisfied with it either.
Thanks for trying, I hope you will like my future games better.

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