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I admit this game was confusing. I unlocked stuff and nothing happened. I had to unlock everything for anything to show up. I still appreciate how it was good as a puzzle game. Yes, I had to look at the walkthrough. It was just so weird.

I can still appreciate how unique it was. You didn't need much in terms of graphics. The design was fine. I don't know how that key randomly appeared. It just doesn't feel that rewarding.

I admit it was interesting to find out what happened next. It could have been better, though. The animation isn't that good. It's still a fairly entertaining game. I like the music. It contrasts well with the tone of the game.

That usually works. The voice is quite nice. I managed to get as far as going past the hospital. I'd think stepping out of the car would help. He finds my weed that way!

Hey, a game with over a million views that isn't pornographic! Just had to make that joke. I wasn't that impressed by this. I can understand why you yourself don't like it. It's just Pico committing suicide. He either does that or kills you.

The animation doesn't hold up. I forgot what numbered Flash Player was in at this time. It couldn't have been very high. The music was alright. It was just too bland.

Eh, I didn't care much for this. The graphics weren't that good. It was just the same room over and over. The fellow shooters were easily the hardest enemies. I mean, they were fast and they could fire quickly! At least the machines were slower.

I got past Room 4 and didn't get a medal. Yeah, it's hard to play without a mouse. I uh, don't have one. I still earned one medal at least. I liked those gas containers.

I'm surprised the score is so low. It was a pretty good game to me. I admit it's not great of course. This wasn't too hard. You didn't have to worry about capitalization. Thanks for that!

This was a pretty creative game. I got time to type the words. I was confused by the Pass button at the beginning. I thought that was the word I was supposed to type! I of course then immediately got it.

Well, the graphics were great and it was certainly fun for awhile, but it was too hard! I had to wait for the enemy to attack me too often. Some of them had shields. How do I hit them like that? Still, it was a very unique game. Everything looked so nice.

It was just really hard! You have great mobility though. I loved how you got new abilities. I knew it was too long for some of those jumps. Even the title was nice.

Well, this was quite annoying. I died once and then couldn't go back. I went outside the box literally and I couldn't get back in. I just disappeared. The graphics were shoddy at best. At least I was kind of motivated.

I was getting pushed back while jumping. It's nice to give the game the same score it has now. Well, it's close at least. The music's kind of annoying. It just isn't unique.

I thought this was one of the best puzzle games I've ever played! I managed to get to the third level. I was so impressed at myself. For the first one, you just connect the two wires together. For the second one, first you freeze everything. Then you put the dial in the middle to add more water but not melting the ice.

Repeat the process until you get to the top and press the red button. The third level is the one I'm stuck at. Okay, I got it. You mostly just screw around with the arrows. I love how simple it looks. It better shows off how difficult it is.

seanjames responds:

Many thanks! I have plans for a much larger version of this (someday). I appreciate you playing and I appreciate the kind words!


Player 1 won? Of course Player one won! I just didn't like how this required two players. I don't have that many! Still, the game looked great. I'm glad you could go into fullscreen. I haven't done that for a game here since like, ever!

It just seemed appealing. The graphics are so nice. The sounds are cool too. I just wish there was one player mode. This should still entertain people.

I'm sorry, but I didn't find this very appealing. I don't think I've ever played a visual novel before. Or uh, read one? This was just awkward to me. I was just pressing the same buttons over and over. At least it was kind of unique.

I want everything to be unique. I was thinking it would just have more action. The music and sounds were nice. It was pretty mysterious. It just isn't for me.

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