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I was impressed at how complicated this turned out to be. It was weird, because I thought it would just be one level where you tried to get the keys, but I knew that would be too easy. I had no idea there were actually enemies coming after you! This is probably my favorite of all the games here, because it has the best artwork. There's a reason JAZZA is one of my favorite artists. I have him favorited, but this didn't show up on latest from my favorites.

I guess that only works if the person you've favorited got the top billing. I take it he's worked with Moonkey and zeedox before. It was interesting to not know what kind of enemy you had. I think this is the first time I noticed the Halloween 2012 collection too. It truly changed after the first level.

I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that it seemed like it was a tad too easy to get one secret medal. I was surprised I managed to get that far with the fifty point medal. It seems like this didn't even have that much to do with a cabin in the woods. BTW, that's one of my favorite movies of this year. It was pretty much killer when the giant foot came. Was that a Monty Python reference?

Anyway, when I used my strongest attack, it did pretty much nothing against the foot. Maybe I just aimed it poorly? The graphics weren't that good, but still nice. I was amazed at how I was able to get into this game so much. I just couldn't stop attacking the enemies, which is the only way to win in fact.

thinking-man responds:

It's not about that movie, tom specifically said not to make it about the movie. Also the secret medals are just the boss medals, I just didn't want to show who the bosses were before you got there.

I have to admit that I am not a fan of RPGs. I guess I didn't care much for this one because it didn't hold my interest for a very long time. At least there's an easy medal for resting. I do appreciate the Halloween theme. When I first saw this, I thought it was related to the movie "Hotel Transylvania", but it turns out it wasn't. It's a pretty strange premise for a game.

I guess it's somewhat original for what it is. This just comes off as a bit too boring to me. You really do have to make specific decisions in order to advance. The music isn't bad, though. I like how the game automatically pauses.

I admit that I wasn't really expecting much out of this game. It just seemed to be some weird one where you made swords. A game where you actually got to use a sword would seem to be a lot better. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out how fun this was! I was afraid at first, that I wouldn't be able to make a sword out of a good material, as all I had was copper. I guess that couldn't be helped!

I'm no medieval historian, but that does in fact seem like how swords are made. With all the guns nowadays, they're of not much use. It's really great to see all these cool graphics. There isn't that much action, but it's still fun to look at. It even moves at a good pace.

I didn't find this to be that much fun. I guess it's mostly because it's weird with how you seem to die so easily. I will at least give you guys credit for having some really cool graphics. That really disappoints a player. I also thought the sounds were pretty cool and everything synched up well. It just seemed to be a bit too fast for me.

I guess it just takes awhile to get used to using the weapons. Dang, it's been forever since I've played a vehicular combat game of any kind. I actually really liked "Twisted Metal II". Then again, I always used cheat codes. With more time and practice, I can be better at this.

I kind of thought this was one of your weaker games. It was mostly because it was hard to understand some of the gameplay. When I got control of the crow, I couldn't really find anything to do with it. I pressed "C" and then I used the arrow keys but he was never able to fly high. He just went the same way as my guy. I do have to give you credit for having some really awesome graphics.

It's great everyone's getting into the spirit of Halloween. I like how there's a good amount of detail put into everything. I thought the crow was an enemy at first. There are definitley unexpected twists and turns here and there. People who understand it should enjoy it a lot more than I did.

I had no idea there was going to be another entry in this series! It just seemed like you had done so much with the other games, you didn't need to make one! Of cousre, you did! My only complaint with this is that the medals were too hard to get! I'm sorry, but it just seems like the other games were a heck of a lot easier. I couldn't help but think I was doing something wrong.

It might have been that I was going downwards too much. You just had to e perfect with the timing. I still had some success on this game and am amazed so many people have gotten scores in the millions. I didn't know there were all these monsters back in medieval times. Whatever the reason, this is awesome. The shark looks funny this way.

I admit that this took awhile to get used to. It's mostly because there's a lot of stuff going on and I understand what you mean about the medals. The sound effects sync up well. I admit that the graphics could be better. The best way to go about this game is to use up all the 125 point crosses at first. Those 750 pieces of fire are practically useless and way too expensive.

This kept me interesting, if only so I could get past the first three levels. I should have known that a wave wasn't a single level. You just needed to have some more detail with the enemies. They looked like they were Final Fantasy sprites or something. It's still an enjoyable game.

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