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It definitly gets harder as it goes on, but this is a very stylistic and very fun game to play! The red robot featured looks a lot like one of the robots from the "We Are Robots" series. It was really unique but boy did you have to keep on moving every single second the game was on! It is so comforting to have so many medals here that you can earn some without even trying to. It was hard to tell how close I was to death, except when I was really bombarded by those little red guys. I like how the theme of using the enemies but still avoiding them is paradoxical.

HybridMind responds:

I'll have to check the "We Are Robots" series to see what you mean as I'm not familiar with that. Glad you liked the game and you make a good point about the health meter. It is tough to watch as you are dodging all over the place. Thanks again!

Nice game

While there were a bit too many cutscenes (I could have just watched this as a movie) what matters is that there was really a lot of work put into this. The graphics are pretty good and the voice acting is great. It is a new kind of game for me to play with and it is certainly hard to get used to. Nonetheless, you guys all came together to really create a world of your own. While not the most original of ideas, it uses its gameplay well to entertain the player. It is rather fun to go around and select people like that.

Lots of fun!

It is really too bad this was not approved for medals, because it is a very fun game! I liked how basic it was and how you could just go around and zap everything in sight. Not much of a background, but the sound effects were great and I could just go on forever playing it. The explosions themselves were done really well, with how they seemed to break out into cubes and stuff. It is good fare for a standard space shooting game. You have to look out for the long-nosed (?) brown ones, I think they're suicide attacks.

It's been so long!

I don't know why, but I guess I have to give you some credit for coming up with a screamer like this. It had been such a long time since I have seen that and I am glad someone finally brought it back. Granted, this is several years old, but the memories are long. It was just so shocking because I am not at all used to seeing that stuff. I was a bit confused as to why it was taking so long for the dots to come up. I recently took a hard test over in Pensacola, so I was used to the idea of college level tests.

Should please fans

I am not really an RPG fan, but this definitley had enough potential to entertain me for awhile. The design is pretty simple and probably could have used some more detail. As this is a beta version, it is understandable a lot of things would look rough. I would suggest putting some more detail into the houses and the ground so the background things are not repetitive. I keep thinking from the beginning it's going to be a hentai intro. It was cool to be able to go down the pipe and continue on down from there.

Now and forever!

I was not that big of a fun of the audio portal at first, but then I came to realize that it was an important part of the work by people here on Newgrounds. What makes this so wonderful is that you can simply do nothing but click "random audio" all day. You guys worked together to make a great tribute for all those submitters out there. There is something for everyone here so you can never get bored. All the backgrounds and the way it is organized is very nice and professional-looking too. This is a great way for people to understand the audio portal even if they are not a fan, much less reviewer of it.

MCarsten responds:

Yeah, you got it. Thanks for the nice review and for the kind words. :)

Graphics were decent

It would probably be too cliched to say that I did not enjoy this game because I was not good at it, but it is true. It was difficult to know exactly how to stop when you were going down. It was also kind of a pain to not be able to jump while moving forward. Still, it was typical of a platformer, it just could have used some more tweaking to make it enjoyable. The best part is probably how the premise is simple and the graphics are alright. At least the keys were fairly easy to comprehend.

The style was good

It is a pity this was rejected for medals, because this would have ranked up with OCD+ as a truly frustrating game. I think this managed to be even more difficult, but it was a good idea to release this on 111110. I heard that on this day the robots were going to invade us, but it turned out there was just going to be a game about it. The graphics are nice enough, not that you are really caring about that while playing this. At least you were nice enough to give us a (0-point) medal for simply activating the game. The OCD+ game wasn't even nice enough to do that.

This was fine

I was not able to get that far because the game is actually really complicated. I had no idea why there was this monster with a tongue looming for me that did not even seem to hurt me. At least the graphics were decent, but they could have used some work. I think you had a good idea but the problem was that the way the game automatically went to the next screen was kind of annoying. It would have also been nice to put some variety in the platforms that come up. I do not even know how to use that gun well.

Pretty fun zombie game

I love zombie games and this is a nice addition to the never-ending number of games we have here. I admired how the graphics were good and the zombies were pretty well drawn. You really knew how to pace yourself by only advancing on to something else after a certain amount of money. This refers not just to the guns, but also the area. A wider area always works better to spread out more room between yourself and the zombies. It was funny to watch them just jitter around while I was pumping them full of lead.

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