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I was surprised at how hard this game got. It really did show off how difficult a game like this could be. I don't know why a Halloween game was submitted in August. I mean, you wouldn't even have to say it was a Halloween game, just a horror one. It's still so Halloweeny (?) to not call it one. I liked the sounds.

The first level was a breeze. The second one was where everything fell apart. I guess I appreciate how much it can change like that. It probably could have been more detailed, but it was okay. I generally like these games.

I have to give this game credit for how original it was. What I did not like was how it really was freaking difficult. Of course, that made it all the more satisfying when I was finally able to get that freaking medal! I was amazed at how diverse this game was. Every level just got harder and harder with something new. I knew I had to keep on playing to get that medal.

Everything about this game was crazy. It was amazing how detailed it could be with just a couple of lines. I guess anything would look detailed from this gameplay. It was unbelievable how close you got to beating a level. Even a little bit of the red zone threw you off!

I did like this game, but I think it had its flaws. The biggest one was the controls. I really can't work with those things. I thought it was kind of dumb to have to drive directly to the next level. It just seems pointless. I'm better off just staying in one spot. The arrow keys work better.

I still love the explosions of course! Honestly, they really were quite good in this. I appreciated how high tech everything looked. While not too memorable, still good. I'm glad to be the first person to review this in four years!

I thought this was a good game. What I liked about it was that I like the premise. Dang, 1996 seems like centuries ago. I also think the graphics are pretty good. It is funny to see the guy run around everywhere. It's a very funny animation effect. I don't know if that was intentional.

While it is kind of bland, I still liked it. It really does have interesting things going on. It might not be the most detailed game, but it is nice. I remember hearing about hipsters in the most recent Nostalgia Critic episode. It was a review of "The Lorax".

kokos0102 responds:


I have to admit that I was quite impressed by this game. It helps that I'm a guy who's into educational stuff like this. Even though mathematics was my weakest course, I still did really well with this. Of course, it wasn't very hard. I just like games that make you think. You rarely play educational games about math.

I guess we should have more of those. Granted, I'm in college and don't really need the training. This was still a very good game. While not too well drawn, it doesn't really matter. This was very fun to play.

I thought this was a good game. I do think it could have been more detailed. It still works pretty well because it has a fairly original idea. I always appreciate those. I was reminded of the show "Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" or whatever it's called. The sounds were pretty good.

It was a game where you could pace yourself fairly well. It wasn't just all coming at you at one time. It really allow you to prepare for what was happening next. It still wasn't too easy. I guess I'm not good with this kind of gameplay.

I remember games like this before. I don't think this was a direct sequel. I was still pretty impressed by how good the graphics are. While not flawless, they certainly gave out the goods. I loved seeing the dead bodies stay around. Call me morbid, but that was cool.

While it doesn't have that much new to add, it's still a great game. It helps that there are always things like upgrades and tax collectors. It would be too generic without them. The sounds and gameplay are done pretty well. It's easier to just speed it up.

As far as Ludum Dare games go, I was actually quite impressed by this. I think the best part was how it got bigger the more it went on. A lot of times, levels don't increase in size like that. I guess the graphics really do show. I'm glad I could stay in that one position and continue to fire at the enemy.

I assume they were goblins or something? I didn't even know that I could move on my own with the arrow keys at first! The jumping just seemed so much easier! I like all the sounds and little details. This was quite good.

I thought this was good, but it did have its problems. I think the biggest one was how it had a lack of control. You really had to be precise when you picked up the food. You couldn't just be near it and then hit the space button. I guess that makes it more realistic? I wouldn't want that in a game anyway.

It was still pretty fun to play, even though I had a score of zero. Games are weird like that. I didn't know there'd be burgers in a pizza place. I really do like that music. It's one of the more popular restaurant games here.

This was just a pretty good game. What I did not understand was how you defeated enemies. I don't even think you did. When I first heard the title "Captain Pot", I thought it was going to be about marijuana. Come on, I'm sure a lot of people did! I don't know what this character had to do with pots.

The enemies were trees for some reason. I guess it's just meant to be a goofy game. It certainly got that right. I like the jumping sounds. The graphics actually aren't that bad.

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