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This was a really nice little game. Granted, I'm mostly bad at it, but I still liked it. It's probably because of how clear everything is. The music is really nice too. I was able to get up tons and aluminum foil. That reminds me of the Weird Al Yankovic song.

I'll probably always think of that when using that phrase. It makes sense to have a potato island. There's so many things you can do with potatoes! I liked how it was easy to understand. There were still a lot of details put into it.

While I'm not into point and click adventure games, this was pretty fun. I love the atmosphere this game creates. The sound or lack of works so well. I especially like how I was able to find the first log. It's pretty simple. I went through the green door and looked under the first metal part.

Yeah, I don't know what those things are called. Sue me. It was cool how you even got to look outside. It's just a really nice image. The graphics are so quaint.

I was surprised at how much fun I had with this. I will admit that it was very hard. It worked how you could not have your work undone when you respawned. Then again, that was sometimes a bad thing. The graphics were quite nice. A lot happened even though it looked simple.

I do wish you would have told what those arrow blocks do. Okay, that was pretty obvious. You still have a great setup. I like how the villains just malfunction when they die. The atmosphere was great too.

MrNannings responds:

Thanks your kind words mean a lot to me!

I was turned off by how bad the drawings were. At least this was something original. I also wish you could move up and down. Instead, those keys do something else. I remember when this first came out too. I haven't heard of the KKK in awhile.

They deserve to be mocked. It was fun killing them. The controls are pretty easy to understand. It is weird to have a password. This just didn't appeal to me.

The-EXP responds:

What should I change to fix it so you'll like it?

I was certainly impressed at how difficult this game was. I was lost on the second level. I guess it was mostly good. I had no idea it would be that hard. I guess I'm just not good on puzzle games. I can at least appreciate the effort put into it.

I'm still you guys won an award. I wish you were more popular here. The music and sounds are pretty good. It's hard to not be fooled by how simple it looks. I guess I can like unpredictable stuff like that.

How odd. I think this is literally the first dating sim I've found with medals. I wasn't good at it. I never was good at these games. Well, at least I tried. The animation was kind of awkward here.

The music was nice. A lot of the backgrounds looked off. You really had to go through a lot here. I'm glad it at least had variety. I'd recommend it to fans of the genre.

HypnoChanger responds:

Thanks. Yeah, unfortunately all the backgrounds are still my old, bad art. I have been working with some artists to update and replace the old art but have not yet gotten to replacing the backgrounds. Hoping to get them replaced as soon as I can though.

Well, I thought this would at least have more action. Even the layout was cheesy. There was literally no difference between these parts. You couldn't go back to the menu. What was up with that? It was too repetitive.

I thought this would be anti-clock. I guess it's fine that it wasn't. At least that was unexpected. You didn't even get rid of the frame around the characters! You know, the sprite ones.

This was a good game, but my medals weren't showing up. I know I did what the game wanted. I was impressed at how many different games there were. There were just so many combinations. I'm so glad to like a sports game. I'm normally not into those.

It was a cute little game. You had to go to the next page for it. I guess the graphics could be better. It's a good game for the most part. The Z button was easier.

CidadeAP responds:

Yeah there are a few bugs with unlocking trophies and saving progress, will be fixed soon. Glad you enjoyed a sports game, I love that video games can get us interested in things we may never try or enjoy in real life. Thanks for playing!

Well, that was weird. It was hard to really make anything of this. I guess the best part was probably how it was quite creative. I liked the designs of the enemies. I had little idea what was going on. The gameplay was pretty easy.

I will say that the graphics weren't that good. They looked kind of cheap. I still thought the good outweighed the bad. The music and sounds were pretty nice. While not that original, I liked it.

I just found this game to be boring. I mean, there wasn't much going on. I admit that it was pretty fast paced. It just didn't seem like much for a full game. The music was too loud. Well, maybe that's just the sound.

I always wanted to write books. Well, I am writing reviews. I'm one of the most prolific reviewers out there, so that should count for something! I'm better off riding those. This just needed more detail.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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