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I always like learning about fine art. I really do like the atmosphere this creates. My favorite is probably the one with Woodstock. I accidentally pressed the right answer for the one with Finn and Jake. Speaking of "Adventure Time!" the Marceline one was great too. I got a pretty good score.

It's nice to know how to get secret medals. The sounds are good too. I was familiar with a fair number of these paintings. I really didn't want to use the eye. That seemed like cheating.

Wow, so many games!
Glaiel-Gamer 9/10. My favorite as it just went on forever.
TrueDarkness 8/10. Simple but fun.
The Mercenary 5/10. Why do you have to open your bag like that?
TomyLee 4/10. Too fast for me.
DieEVILsanta 8/10. Very creative!
FrostedMuffins 7/10. Better than TomyLee.

I was expecting more political satire with this. I mean, Donald Trump is President! The jokes write themselves! This was basically nothing but you putting in percentages. I mean, there was so little action. I guess the music was alright.

Let's hope this works out in real life. No, that's too clichéd. Anyway, I just wasn't interested in getting the medals. It's mostly because I didn't know how to! At least it was a tad unique.

I'm not much into card games. I guess there's some I like, but this isn't one of them. I just find them pretty boring. I guess the artwork is pretty nice. I just wish there was more that I could relate to. The music was pretty good.

You guys are quite prolific. I believe this is a real game. It just isn't much for me. For people who are fans, they should enjoy it. That's a lot of opponents.

I was quite impressed at how fast paced this game was. There was so little I could do. I thought it would be a game where you'd fight actual enemies. Okay, I haven't gotten that far. I just liked how fast it went on. It actually did get easier sometimes.

You immediately pressed the button to get through the obstacle. A lot of times I did it too early. The blue color does kind of remind me of Mega Man. The music was great. It's quite fun, but it is very hard.

This was a decent game, if only because I got better at it. I admit there wasn't that much detail. I didn't know I had to shoot those powerups and explosions. You'd think shooting an explosion would set it off! I couldn't really understand how I kept dying. I guess I just wasn't paying attention.

Robocop looked kind of weird. It was a different style than the rest of the game. The sounds were nice. It wasn't too hard. Well, to shoot the targets I mean. It was harder to uh, survive.

I was quite impressed by this game. It's mostly because you work so hard to tell the player how it works. You really earn your stuff here. I was so impressed by the details. I thought the goblin had four eyes. No, not that he was wearing glasses.

He looked like he literally had four eyes. I was just looking at his eyebrows! I like how everything is paced. Oh, there's an occasional fart too. The drawings are quite nice.

I couldn't understand how to reload. I'm fairly certain I was supposed to. I didn't read anything in the tutorial about it. I just wish I knew how to do that! The graphics weren't that good too. I did like the set up.

I don't think I've played many of the Metroid games. The music was nice. I just wish you had a tutorial where you actually played as her. I think you said the name "Aran" wrong. Well, it wasn't a real voice.

Well, that was confusing. I really was surprised at how bad I was at this. I couldn't get it done at all! I guess the perspective was just too difficult. Still, it was kind of unique. I can appreciate that. I guess I do want to be challenged.

That's not cutting so much as stabbing. I guess they're related. The graphics were actually pretty good. Well, you didn't show much. Looks like other people aren't that much better at this.

I was really confused by this game at first. I just had no idea what was going on. I then realized I had to press stuff on the left to build things! I feel dumb for missing that. Anyway, this was a pretty good game. I'm just not into these.

The graphics and detail are quite nice. It's just that it's too slow for me. Yeah, it's probably something with my laptop. I did buy a cheap one. The music's nice too.

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