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That was short and silly, but it was quite fun! It's mostly because you want to hear more of that song. I guess it's cheating to press them all at once. That certainly didn't work for me. It's fine for a brief, goofy game. It's nice to see stuff from you, Tom.

It's really simply, but it can be fun. Wait, aren't I already on Newgrounds? I guess that's when the game is on other websites. There isn't much else to say about this game. It doesn't need to be more detailed.

Dude, that was an awesome game! I admit to being stuck on Level 24. It doesn't really matter, because I had so much fun playing the whole thing! I was impressed I managed to even get that far. I guess I'm normally not into puzzle games. They're usually too hard.

This was still a lot of fun. It was so complicated with how small it was. I appreciate how there's so many factors. It was great exercise for my brain! I hope to see more stuff like this from you. If only there were more medals.

I'm sorry, but I didn't like this. It's mostly because there isn't much going on. It's just you hitting asteroids over and over. I thought it would be a basic space shooting game. Instead, it was just boring. There should have been music.

I guess it wasn't the worst. You didn't have a lot of free space. Well, maybe it just looked that way because of the light year scale. I couldn't understand that. Well, I'm no space guy.

I really didn't know what to expect out of this game. I just assumed it would be really anything. I am so glad it was so easy to follow. You had great control too. The sounds are nice as well. I didn't know those green things gave you health.

I was wondering where your health came from. I guess it could be a bit more detailed. It's quite fine as a game though. I like the music too. It's typical, but fun.

It's been awhile since you've submitted something. I really do like how unique it is. What I don't like is how it's hard to play. I mean, I didn't know you had to click everything. Well, it was easy to understand after awhile. It was just weird.

I guess it was kind of a sweet story. You aren't known for those. I'm glad you're still around. The music was alright. I hope the medals show up.

HeRetiK responds:

I was experimenting with keyboard controls at first, but that turned out to be even more confusing... besides I didn't want to make a separate control scheme for mobile. Thanks for your feedback! :)

I admit that I couldn't really understand this. I'm not into card games. Well, I mean games that feature that kind of interaction. I guess the drawings were pretty good. You have some good Devil stuff. I do like the set up.

I guess any scary story will be compared to a Creepypasta. Wait, I guess every scary story on the Internet is one of those. Well, this created good atmosphere. The title's a bit too simple. Well, it's not really bad.

This game seemed to go too fast for me. I was annoyed by how just one shot took me out. Shouldn't I have multiple lives? It's too easy to die! Well, it was challenging at least. The music was nice too.

I liked how there were always new weapons. The machine gun is the best. Most of the medals are pretty easy at first. I guess the design is pretty good. It's not that special, but I would recommend this.

MonoFlauta responds:

Thanks for your review! And yes, we wanted to make it a big challenge because the highscore thing. Maybe the curve of difficulty should be lowered.
Anyway, thanks for recommending this :)

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