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Hmm, this game was just okay. The graphics weren't that good. It was at least unique. I'm glad the discs didn't immediately kill you on Level 2. I've never heard of this jam. Well, the comments do mention Halloween.

Happy Halloween 2020! This year has definitely been scary. I liked the sound of the discs. It just fit them. This was okay.

Well, that game was rather odd. I didn't know how to play at first. It's definitely an interesting game. You know why? It's the only "Among Us" game I've played so far! Put it in the collection!

Makes sense, seeing as how it was based on a game! Well, we're more into flashes here. Great to know something like you is still around. I'm so glad we find more variety with these guys. This is gonna be bigger than Mario here!

keybol responds:

Glad you like it. I'll be making more games it makes me happy

I had no idea this was even a game at first! It seems like it's been awhile since they've headlined games! I really did enjoy this. The best part is how well suited it is for Halloween! You really are motivated to continue. I thought the first level was just training.

It really was part of the game! I sure loved all the little things going on here. You have to really be prepared for those red zombies. The intro goes on a bit too long. Still absolutely amazing. I just love zombies so much!

That was quite a fun game! I didn't know it would be that interesting! I admit that I still have trouble learning how to move while crouching down. It's still very fun. You have a fairly distinct style of using sprites. The music's good too.

Oh, I just move elsewhere. Yeah, it can be hard to tell how to advance. It's still a very fun game. I'm just that into platformers. Pumpking was a name already used in "Yu-Gi-Oh".

I admit that I didn't like it that much. It was mostly because it was too fast for my computer! Still, I got a medal and that's all I care about! It was for a killstreak. I'd have to play it more to get good at it. I'm not into these kinds of games.

It still looked very nice. I could understand what the objective was. I'm glad I had so many lives. Just shows I can at least train. At least it won Daily Feature.

Hmm, kind of a strange game. I mean, I got into accidents no matter what I did. Not in real life of course. This was still a decent game. I didn't even know how to type that well. I think I pressed the keyboard in everything.

That applies to real life too. I liked the capitalization. The cars came at me in the opposite direction. That's not the fault of texts. It's their poor driving!

I was quite impressed by this game! I'm glad I played it. The best part was probably how it was set up. Well, I can say that about all games. I have in fact played games like this. It still set me up in a unique world. I'm normally not that into these games.

It's mostly because I'm not good at them. This still provided an interesting experience. Each level was so different. I liked how you could just jump and change direction midair. More games should do that! The background's great too and fits the theme.

I can see why the score is low. This had little going for it. I mean, I didn't know how to play. I pressed the button to stab, but I couldn't seem to damage him. The layout was too simplistic as well. I am still glad you can improve.

You needed to have a much better use of sprites. It was just too generic. At least it managed to make the collection. Do all submissions make the collection? I couldn't even recognize Pico.

I'm so glad this is the most viewed game for this dare! It truly was a lot of fun! It's mostly because you have no idea what's going to happen next. The best part is how there are new enemies that pop up everywhere. You do have to be quick. I don't bother with Dash.

Wait, this is the ten year anniversary of MLPFIM! I should use Dash! Anyway, it was a very unique setting. I liked the different designs. It's all really nice.

Wow, that was driving me insane. I assume you have to have the squirrel take the hat. I believe that was when you were letting the hat fall and not when the bird took it. I managed to do that ONCE. I couldn't the other times. I would enjoy it if I was better at it. I didn't realize I was so bad with timing!

If nothing else, this was at least put together well. I appreciated the stop motion. We have few games like that here. Then again, I'm not good at those. Congratulations on your high rating.

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