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Thank you for some easy medals! I'm not good at this game. I've been good at RPGs before! This was still beautifully animated. I feel bad for not remembering the previous installments. I'd have to practice more at this.

I think I had this confused with the Final Fantasy Sonic series. There's a lot of popular Sonic RPGs around here! I am kind of tired of Sonic OCs. This still had great sounds. Fans of the other episodes should love it.

Oh, now I see why you came back after all these years. Does that mean that this website is ending? Of course not! Boy, has it been a long time with this program. Anyway, onto the actual game as I wasn't impressed by this. It's mostly because of how I don't know how to play it.

It's definitely something unique from you. I didn't know how to get down to the first platform to even beat the level! I assume that red sign means the level. How ironic, this was the date the Mayans predicted the world would end! This needs sound.

Dude, this is your first submission in 15 years! That has to be a record! I admit there still wasn't much to this. I feel bad that your submissions got deleted. At least I know how! I'm not much into demos like this.

You should make an "Ultimate Flash Sonic 2"! That set a record for game appearing on the most websites! Seriously, I think it did! You do need sounds for this. Wait, there was a Bullet time 3?

Hmm, that was odd. It was just the same thing over and over. I guess it was meant to be heartwarming. I can't criticize it for that! The animation was great. Was this about Saturn and Jupiter last night?

You know, they were in this arrangement for the first time in 800 years? It seemed like they were gay. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. I liked the intro too. I thought the whole game would be like that!

This was a lot of fun, but I did have one major complaint. You had to get 100% for any level medal! That was really frustrating! Okay, I don't want to sound whiney. That just seems really unfair. You still have a great setup.

I really love this sprite work. It's so fun to just see this gnome jumping around everywhere. I didn't even notice the trampoline at the bottom at first! The game just played itself so well! Merry Christmas!

I thought this was pretty good. The best part was easily the animation or uh, graphics. It looked quite simplistic. This will be a very interesting year for Santa. I doubt everyone will be celebrating it this year. The music's nice.

It is hard to get into into. I just want more going on. Still pretty interesting. It's a quaint little game. Wow, we don't even have a Christmas 2020 collection this year!

TwoPigs responds:

Thank you for playing!! Really glad that you enjoyed it :D! Merry Christmas :)

Another impressive Doom game! I'll still always think of "Doom Triple Pack". I admit I didn't know how to use the arrow at first. I guess I couldn't see that you had to press "Escape" to use it. It's still wonderfully done. It can be a little too pixelated at times. Maybe the pun title could've been better.

Always great to see authentic video game remakes. Shooting random stuff is always fun. It can be hard to tell where to go next. Not really motivated to beat the whole game. Certainly great and took tons of effort.

Well, the animation was beautiful. We need more games of this quality. I will admit I couldn't control it well! I mean, it was too high quality for me to move much! That isn't your fault. At least I don't think it is?

This was just quite an innovative game. The premise was pretty unique. I just wish it was easier on my computer. Well, that can't be helped. The music's great too.

I admit I'm annoyed by having to fall on the platforms. Thanks for allowing me to touch the sides! I can certainly appreciate that! It was probably too simplistic. I like the different little things. It probably doesn't need to be that well detailed, I guess.

The music's alright. The screen is too long. I can't see everything coming up. Well, it is meant to be hard. I'm glad I can challenge myself with this.

It was hard to understand at first. Once I got into it, it was way more fun. It truly was a unique game. The timer was easily the part that made me the most nervous. It might not be the most well detailed, but still very fun. The music was good too.

I don't know how it showed up. That was also unique! You don't need much detail for this. I recognized your art style. It's very cute.

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