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I personally never cared for these types of games. I love this parody, though! It's great how simplistic it is. It's nice to take shots at these games. I love her voice. I'm never calling that number.

I love how jumpy everything is. Surprisingly, not the boobs so much. I knew it wouldn't get too sexual. I love how it isn't even labeled a parody genre. We all know it is.

Wow, look at all these secret medals! I wonder how I get them all? I'm not going to tell you! I remember the other versions. I do love the music. It's all done in good fun.

These really are some awesome pictures! Merry Christmas! Yeah, weird to write a review of something that won't be finished. I'll do it anyway. Always feels good to have us all around here.

Gadget? This was a point and click adventure. It was way too simple. I can at least appreciate the easy medals. I do that too often. You need to work with animation much better.

Well, whatever it is you make games with. I don't know about them, so I can't help you. It was just too slow. That suicide bit was really dark. Well, she's old anyway.

Little-Rena responds:


Wegra responds:

Yeah I have admit the suicide option was a bit morbid for this kind of game....I mean yeah its not like hyper realistic obv but I expected something more comedic.

Wow, I loved this game! My only complaint was that the boss was pretty hard. I wish he had kept the same damage! Well, that probably would have been too easy. I love this cute little protagonist. It was great to see her just jumping up and down.

This only got Daily 5th?! Screw that! The monsters were very well designed. Even the ammo was totally interesting! It's a great time waster! Well, that's assuming you can beat the game!

Quite impressive! I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did! It really was an interesting puzzle game. I can still appreciate how much detail is put into everything. Okay, this isn't very descriptive, is it? I didn't expect it to escalate so quickly.

I was having trouble on Level 3! It's amazing that something that looks easy can be so complicated. The music was really good too. I just love roasting those guys. I'd do it even if I didn't have to!

This got better as it went along. I will admit that it seemed pretty boring at first. It was just too easy. There were a lot more interesting obstacles as it went on. I wasn't expecting it to be so complicated. Whatever, it was fun with the intention.

I like the graphics. They're kind of too simple, but they fit the game. It is a fairly unique one. I kept thinking it said I should press "O" instead of "Z". Hey, Oz!

Omael responds:

Thanks Ericho, I'm glad you find it enjoyable, this game was thought as an educational aid for kids so the first levels needed to be utterly easy just to engage them.

And you are right about Z, i forgot about making the change, i migrated this and it's still playable with a gamepad.

I loved how you flipped the cards! Okay, that's not much of a compliment, but it's something! I'm just not into card games. I'd have to practice a lot. It's hard to be that interested in something you're not that good at. The title's quite nice.

I've never even played "Yu-Gi-Oh". This is still a nice concept. Too bad there's so few Thanksgiving games out there. I like the music too. It's certainly creative.

This really was a very cool game. I'm glad it got better the second time I played it. I will admit there's a big complaint. It's too big for me to use on my screen! At least I could still figure it out. I appreciate the graphics.

I like this little bunny guy. I think that's what he is. He looks like Minun. I'm glad I figured out how to pause it too. I assume all games here work like that.

I had no idea it would be this hard! You had to be right on spot with this. The best part was probably the animation. Everything looked so wonderfully crispy here. It's just not for me. I've always been more into platformers.

Still, fans of rhythm games should love it. I keep seeing those balls. Congratulations on being featured on the top of the front page. Well, whatever that means. This dare has given us some nice stuff.

I was very impressed by this game! I really had no idea what would happen next. You had to be pretty sharp to figure it all out! That's what I want in a game. I even like the title. It all makes sense now!

The music was nice too. You had to remember how each one was unique. Well, the title gives it away. I would give instructions, but that's apparently not wanted in these reviews. Be smart and figure it out yourself!

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