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WOW! I was in no way expecting this game to be so freaking awesome! It helps that the graphics are completely flawless and you can just never stop playing it! It helps that I'm fairly good at this game. I don't understand how you could even die after you beat the boss. Those mines kept blowing me up, but I never died!

If only you could then go back to the menu. I was just amazed at how insane this was and all the different kinds of fish. My record is 91 of the 100 kinds. I'm glad you don't have to eat all of them in order to beat the game. I thought I was going to evolve into a human at first. The sounds are wonderful too.

Ah yes, I remember playing the first version of this game. I am fairly confused as to why it does not even have a "2" in the title. It mostly doesn't work much for me because it's so hard. I know that might sound whiney, but a lot of other people seem to be having problems with it too. At least the graphics are well done. From a distance, it looks like something made by Nitrome.

Yeah, I think they're better game makers. Anyway, it's still pretty cool to see these environments. I had no idea something that looked like the Grim Reaper would be so easy to kill. The music is fairly suiting. I don't know what the point is of the doors on the bottom.

Comacolors responds:

This isn't Part 2. It's basically bonus levels for people who wanted more of a challenge, and some pieces of Algernon's back story people expressed an interest in in the comments on Part 1.

Seems I've created an awful lot of confusion releasing this the way I did, I should have labeled it much more clearly. I hope this mistake on my part hasn't put you off trying Part 2 when I finish it.

Thank you for your input.

At first, I was thinking my medals were not going to show up on screen. It turns out they really did, just at the end. Then, when I survived awhile in normal mode, they didn't show up again. Oh well, at least they acknowledge my achievements on screen. I was quite impressed by this game and thought it would be like a game of Snake at first. I guess I'm glad it wasn't.

Green and orange happen to be the favorite colors of my brother and I, respectively. How ironic the orange ones would be the most annoying. I don't even know if the orange snake ever goes offscreen. It's basically the same thing after awhile. It still manages to be fairly challenging.

Jindo responds:

Originally the medals did unlock as you progressed but I noticed (for me at least) that the game froze for a split second when each medal appeared, which could cause problems if you're in a hairy situation with regard to the number of snakes on screen, so I stuck with unlocking them at the end!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

I thought this was an okay game. It mostly didn't come off as that appealing because it was too easy. I thought the graphics were not that good either. Of course, I couldn't really help but think that might have been the point. It was probably just meant to be something quick and easy. I actually don't think it would be that hard to get the 100 point medal. I noticed that nijsse has the #1 spot.

It makes sense, seeing as how he has the most medals. I think this is the first time I've noticed him there, or her. You just press one button and keep it on. I don't see a health bar or anything. It could be more clear.

PhantomCat responds:

Comprehension would unhinge your mind

Well, this is another really weird game. I guess my problem was that I didn't enjoy it as much as some other weird games. It was mostly because the artwork wasn't that impressive at all. The music even managed to get a bit annoying. I didn't care much for how it was hard to get combos. At least the likes were easy to get, at least for me.

I think you should follow the stuff on the Pico games. They had games like this too, but they were much better drawn and more fun. This just seems too repetitive. Maybe you could have made the girl hotter, lol. I don't understand the title either.

ooitoro responds:

Thanks for the comment & suggestion~

I admit that I did not play the original Metroid games at all. In fact, I think this is the only fan made version of the games that I have played. With all that being said, this was freaking awesome. I think my favorite part is probably how great the graphics are. It looks just like what you would see in a professional video game. The sounds were awesome as well.

It's easy to see how this has stood the test of time. I thought I wasn't able to kill the little floating guys who went back and forth. I think they can only be killed with a big blue blast. I was amazed at how long I lasted in this. Of course, this level just seems to go on forever.

I thought this was truly cool! It's great how this manages to hold up well after all these years. It's always interesting to go back and look at topical games. I believe this was at the time we did not know where Saddam was. At least it took a lot shorter to find him than Bin Laden. Okay, I'm not going to talk about current events anymore. It's so satisfying to see a dictator get blown up like that.

You even put variety in how he was blown up. You should destroy someone in the same way. Yeah, I doubt if Hussein and bin Laden ever even met each other, but they may have. The cartoonish sound effects really made it too. I love the title too.

Here's yet another strange game. I think the part that was weird was because I just was a hand jumping on heads. I would have preferred if you could move faster. Jumping was the only thing you could do to your character. I thought he was a fat guy at first! I have no clue what is going on in this.

I'll also say that the graphics were not that good. It seemed to look too low in resolution. Seeing as how the screen faded out, that may have been the point. The music was decent. It's just not my kind of game.

At first, I thought I could understand the controls because it was just a game of Snake. It turned out to be a lot more complicated than that. With that being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this! I think my favorite part was probably how you could get a bulbous body and kill enemies with that. There were also a decent variety of enemies. The graphics weren't bad either.

The sound effects were also nice and they seemed to get you hyped up well. I appreciate you putting a spin on a classic game. At the same time, you didn't derail its original premise. It's weird to play a game where you can hit enemies and not get hurt. Even the "virtua' part is cool in the title.

josh-tamugaia responds:

Glad you like it!

It seems like this game was made in a fairly short time. What I didn't understand was how there was no way to replay a level. I looked for a button of the sort, but couldn't find anything. The animation came off as kind of shoddy to me. I was just hoping for better design. I admit that it is kind of a unique game. It's just a bit too strange to really enjoy.

The music was pretty decent. I really don't even know how to advance onto the next level. It's a game you have to be pretty careful with. You don't have to be ambidextrous to get the medals. That being said...I did not get them.

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