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This was a very strange game for me to play. I can't complain that it was too hard, because it really wasn't. I was not able to find anywhere where the instructions were. Even on the menu, there wasn't anything. I still have to appreciate all the hard work put into this, especially when it has so many talented NGers working on it. I managed to at least get one medal.

I was in fact a fan of the other games in this series. I just wish that the instructions were easier to see. On the plus side, it was nice to be able to die so quickly. I just jumped off of everything. The opening cutscene is a bit too long too.

Afro-Ninja responds:

The controls for this game are the same as the other games- when you start a match the popup dialogs should let you know how to move your character. when you open the weapons menu each time it will tell you how to use each weapon. Also the opening cutscene has a skip button. Thanks for giving it a shot though!

Dude, this is one of the most awesome games I have ever played in my entire life! I simply can not put the mouse and keyboard down to play something else! I think the strongest thing here was how good the graphics were. Everything was just wonderfully laid out so perfectly. There were an endless number of upgrades and other crazy stuff going on. Dang, did it get longer the more it went on.

I have been playing this thing for TWO HOURS STRAIGHT. I simply can't stop getting more upgrades and fighting more enemies! The music is fantastic as well, not to mention the story isn't that bad. I may in fact be more addicted to this game than any other game I've played here. I love the variety of people you can choose from and their unique weapons. Make this the #1 submission of all time!

IriySoft responds:

Thanks! %)

I didn't know how to beat these levels at all, but it turned out to be something quite complicated. I thought it was just going to be the same thing with you putting the boxes where they needed to go. There was a new way for nearly every level! It certainly made it interesting. I'm stuck at the part with the nine red dots. I think I have to do it in a certain order.

The music is quite suiting. The graphics weren't much, but they probably weren't supposed to be. Puzzle games are meant to be crazy like that. It's certainly a different kind of puzzle game. You really are trapped in these games!

Well, I have to say that this seemed to have a very interesting premise. My only complaint was that it did not have a feature that let you play it at the moment. I like to think of this as a website where you don't have to worry about downloading anything. Well, this was in the site's early years, sort of. It's interesting to have everything from the original game. I just wish you could play it right now.

I have played other games here that let you do that. It was pretty nice to hear those sounds whenever you uploaded something. It appears to be just like the actual game. I was thinking at first this would be a simple remake. It's a lot more complicated than that.

It's easy to see how you can get frustrated with this game. You don't have much mobility. That was of course the point and it at least makes for a fairly surreal game. I appreciate all the details put into everything. It may not be that descriptive, but it has enough. I guess the protagonist was supposed to be an Easter Island head. I wish I had some idea what any of this meant.

It certainly takes patience to finish the game. I'm glad you didn't mean 150 years in real time. Of course, I should have realized that sooner. The music is very soothing. I'm stuck at the part with the three trees where you can only climb the one in the middle.

I really can not say that I hated this game, because it did have its good points. The overall design was actually fairly unique. What I didn't like was that it was mostly just the same thing over and over. You need to have more variety with the enemies. Dang, it's still good to see those ships. The music was alright.

You seemed to make pretty authentic sounds. It's just that while the designs were unique, they weren't very good. I knew the enemies were the guys with the tie fighters. Gee, I guess I'm not that big of a Star Wars fan for not realizing that at first. It's just too repetitive.

I couldn't help but think of "Back To The Future" while playing this game. That, and you made a blatant reference to it. I am surprised this does not have a higher rating. It truly is fun. It's pretty funny when you keep mentioning not to touch yourself. Would you even see yourself in this game?

Even the name is really cool. It's quite appropriate as you are trying to go back to the beginning. I do however think that there never was a year zero. This is why a new century technically begins when you reach a year ending in "1". It's even funny when you kill yourself, literally!

This was for the most part a good game. The only thing I did not like about it was that the controls weren't that good. I mostly just had to keep my finger on the arrow key. There didn't seem to be any point to not just have the dinosaur automatically move like that. The graphics are fairly impressive. It's pretty easy to kill enemies.

I like how the dinosaur has this stern look on his face. It's fun to see the little bits of brick flying around everywhere. Not one of my favorites, but still decent. The music also seemed to help move it along. Dinosaurs are awesome!

Dude, I have just been finding addictive game after addictive game tonight! I really liked how there was constantly action going on. It was amazing with how there was such a wide variety of enemies to fight. I had no idea there was an entire row down of those guys that I had not looked at. I wish I had some idea what the title meant. Who cares, this is awesome!

I especially love the sounds. It gives you a great sense of being in a crazy world. I was a tad disappointed you could apparently not really play as a boss immediately. It would have been cooler if you did. The graphics are flawless!

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