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I didn't enjoy this game, because it was just far too bland. I appreciate you trying to make an educational game. It just doesn't work here because it's just a bunch of images over and over. I didn't even feel like I learned that much. Maybe if you made it more about the kinds of classes I'm studying in college right now, I would like that. I don't know why the robots are there.

It seems like something with a quiz wouldn't have things like that. I don't even know how many times I have to click back in order to go to back to where I came from. You should do this in an entirely different format. Make the text more interesting. There isn't much unique here.

I guess this game was harmless enough. Then again, how could any game even be harmful? I don't listen to what those people say about violent video games. Anyway, the graphics were just too weak in this. You did not have much of an oppurtunity to really go anywhere. I killed my first zombie and did not get that medal.

You would think a medal like that would be easy to get. You need to have a lot more detail and much better lines. The coloring also looks pretty sloppy. The way the zombies died was weird, they just kind of stayed in one place still looking shot. There's just no motivation to go ahead.

I personally did not care much for this. I think it was probably because the graphics were just not that good. Everything just seemed too lumbering and bulky. I know it isn't supposed to be realistic, but I just don't like the way it looks. The colors are fairly decent though. The sounds/music is alright.

I am so glad there is an option for speeding up. This was kind of interesting to see only one phase where you could build things. It certianly made you think quicker. I was wondering why you could not speed up that process. It's time so valuable you wouldn't want to!

I think the most impressive part of this was probably how good the graphics were. They do in fact look a tad choppy, but they still hold up fairly well. What I didn't like was how it was hard to do tricks. It wasn't until I really got to analyze what the controls were that I could get anywhere. I have never done this in real life. Good thing, as I wasn't even good at this in the game.

I do apreciate it for being pretty unique. I don't know what the "XS" means. I'm not that familiar with surfer terminology. That makes me feel kind of sad, seeing as how I like the beach so much. It sounded like it was saying "1920" on the menu.

It's weird, because looking back, this actually has some good animation. It's true to the original "South Park" style. I guess that artwork is simply better than I thought it would be. I think you could have gotten better with this by putting in some music. I like how there are so many options. There really are a lot of unique designs for each of the characters.

People who are fans of these games in general should like this. The sounds seem to synch up pretty well too. Some of the choices like open or closed casket are pretty funny. I'm not a fan of these kinds of games, but this was still enjoyable. I like how he casually beats up the Asian guy.

It's game like this that make you so glad you have creativity in yourself. You could basically just do anything you wanted. This reminds me of another game I played that was a lot more recent. I didn't like how the future game wasn't realistic. It was interesting to get a good experience like this. Most people know what it's like to carve pumpkins.

I myself have gone pretty good in that category. Of course, if you look at some of the images floating around on the Internet of carved pumpkins, it's not much. This is really a very accurate depiction. A pity this game became less popular as time went on. The sounds are nice too.

rotpad responds:

thanks, i appreciate it

I found this game to be decent. I think one reason I didn't like it that much was how the character didn't have much mobility. I mean, yeah, he was really fat, so that was kind of the point. It was just a strange game with how you disappeared all the time. It made it seem like it was something you had to concentrate for. In reality, it was something that happened automatically.

It is pretty funny to see that fat guy disappear like that. I had no idea the crate was actually going to save me from the saws on the second level. Who knew a fat guy could be that agile? The graphics are in fact done quite well. It's probably worth a quick look.

I was a bit disappointed to see how this was ranked fairly low in comparison to a lot of your other games. This was still a fairly good game. I guess I was hoping that you had the ability to attack. You know, fire chocolate as a weapon or something. It's still fairly stylistic for what it is. I know I have played something like this before.

The music was fairly good and it fit the game nicely enough. I didn't see what this had to do with Valentine's Day that much. I guess chocolate is something you can associate with most holidays. It did go pretty fast even if I wasn't able to get very far. I just think it's a bit too incomprehensible to like that much.

Wow, I thought this was actually going to be some space game at first. I guess I should have looked at the title better. I was kind of weirded out at how strange everything in this turned out to be. It's funny because I heard that new "Die Hard" movie was terrible at least in comparison to the other installments. It was weird how it looked like you turned into a spaceship when you jumped.

I mean, I have to give it credit for being unique. I certainly had no idea what was going on. I wasn't even sure if I was pressing the jump button right because I kept dying for strange reasons. I wish it snowed here in Florida. It's just kind of too weird to really enjoy.

DBuck-Eye responds:

Maybe my next game will be a space game so that Floridians can enjoy it with the rest of us! Thanks for the idea!

Here we have yet another strange game. I actually found this one to be rather enjoyable. It's mostly because it's truly unique. It gives you a lot of room to make your own strategies. I don't know why a ghost would able to pass through wood but not other things. I just find it funny how the life potion looks like a Kool-Aid glass.

The sounds are fairly decent as well. I just think the overall layout is cool, particulary with the godlike entity as the narrator. I thought I just died at first and had to start the whole level all over. Come on, I can't be the only one who thought of that? While it has nothing to do with the holiday, Happy Valentine's Day!

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