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Very addictive!

This was a really fun game to play because I am a fan of both games and it was a perfect combination of the two! I love the powerups you get as they can really help you. My favorite would have to be the one that freezes everyone (the popsicle). I also liked how you could also turn them blue and eat them so you did not have to worry about them for awhile. The music was stylistic and it served as a fine tribute to both classic tributes. It was exactly what I would imagine would come out of a professional combination of these two games.

StickMan Sam is back!

This was really fun to play because it was a typical stick game that had a lot going for it. The most fun was on the second level where it was just shooting after shooting. The environment and everything else is basic and it beckons back to the days of older stick flashes. The gameplay is done very well and it has a nice sense of humor to it with the cutscenes. It was weird to see that one enemy throw out grenades who looked like a Buddhist! The sounds were authentic and the controls were good, too.

Pretty clear

I admired this for having a really clear cutout and it is easy to learn these things. However, as a game, it does leave a lot to be desired. It seems like it could have been better if you put in some music or a demonstration of the flash work you gave us. You definitley have heart in this, and I appreciate you trying to help other people. Since you got a score of over 3 out of 5 then does that mean your medals are going to make points or something? May I wish you success in whatever you do next.

Great overall

I was actually first having some trouble with the "A" button as I could not even get it to load! Once I did, however, I played a really great game! While I am not a fan of RPGs, this was good enough to recommend to someone who was not a fan, like myself. I liked the graphics and how you could just go around and stab those little purple blobs over and over. The design of the character and environment is so masterfully done. It is obvious that you all took a real hand in making this epic work.

UknownXL responds:

Thanks for you feedback and kind words!

The atmosphere is good

Congradulations on having the highest rated Christmas flash in this year's collection so far! Anyway, this was pretty good for the Christmas spirit as it had a good theme. I like the black and white color scheme and music which adds a classic feeling. I felt for sure I was going to collect one of those orbs to make a part of the new code or something! Anyway, this could use more detail and have more things going on. I guess it is an alright way to start the Christmas-themed stuff on this website.

Fairly typical

This was a pretty enjoyable game to play, but it could have been better by having more variety with it. Another thing would be to show off more depth by being able to go forward and stuff. The sound effects were alright and so were the graphics. The hardest part was probably being able to tell how the blasts were going to go as the symbol did not help much. At least you managed to have the easy medal of looking at the credits. It is a fairly basic shooting game in space, but definitley not terrible.

Xiao Xiao tribute!

This is a great game because it really takes me back to the classic days of the "Xiao Xiao" series, especially the games. While not as good as those, this was fantastic. It was interesting to have a change of pace by having the main character be a girl. The artwork was really good in this, especially that fail screen with her all butchered and stuff. You definitley have to be on your toes for this one as you can die fast. I guess I have to praise you for making it somewhat realistic in that sense of fighting.

Some mixed emotions

It was hard to rate it because it is not really the sort of game I am used to. You were trying to imitate the "Metal Gear" series, but I have never played those kinds of games. I guess the gameplay was pretty straightforward, but it was hard to understand the keys. That is not your fault, just something I can not get good coodination with. The graphics are kind of silly, especially the main character. I would have to say the best part was in the tutorial where you could simply blow yourself up.

Really good game

I honestly do not have any idea how this game even works and yet I still managed to enjoy it a lot! That is really saying something! I was confused by the goal as there were no holes for anything to go into, but at least the graphics were good. The best part was probably seeing how creative the next level was going to look. This did have me eager to see what was coming next, even if it was pretty nonsensical. The music is standard, and I guess it fits the theme of pool fairly well, too.

A ton of fun!

I really liked this game because it had such a high spirit to it! It helps that I was really good at it and the only button you really had to press at all was "Space". It is the kind of game that is hard to even get frustrated with because the levels act so well as checkpoints. I was a little confused about the gameplay at first, with how you did not even seem to be able the control the guy. The graphics were very nice also. The music was pretty stylistic and I liked the futuristic environment the guy is in.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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