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Simple, I guess

It is hard for me to rate something that is just so simple, but it definitley serves its purpose. I mean, for me at least, it was a hard way to get medals. It was nice of you to include instructions for colorblind people, you don't hear enough of them nowadays. This was weird with how there was so little action but still a lot going on. I think I may lose points by not clicking the exact time the color changes. This was a pretty good game, but not really one for my taste, still nice to get medals I imagine.

Certainly different

I was expecting to play a game where I blew up stuff that was coming after me, but it was nothing like that. Now, I am a person who is open to new kinds of ideas, but I probably would have enjoyed this more if it was a game like that. I still have to give you guys props for creativity. The red background color is wonderfully done all around. The music is also pretty mysterious and I would like to see the sequel color games which should have variety. The controls are very easy going and slide along smoothly.

How very creative

The thing I liked most about this game was how you could customize your characters. There were simply an infinite number of ways to combine these guys to create something really cool. The controls are simple and it is very similar to "Super Smash Bros". All the music is fantastic as it gives you a true sense of epicness. It's also great to see the different locations and all the different weapons you can pick up. It is fairly easy to get strategy against your opponent, you can simply pound away at him more and more if you want.

Very fun game

When I first heard "world defense" I thought it was going to be a satire of George W. Bush defending the Earth or something. It would also be a strategy game with sending squadrons. To be honest, I would have probably not enjoyed it as much if it had been like that. The best part was the easy gameplay. It was cool to see the damage add up, especially with how you got to see the Earth's molten lava the more it got destroyed. The music made it sound really alien, even though there were no aliens involved.

Different, but good

The funny thing about this is that I was actually supposed to voice Gold in one cartoon here. I guess it never amounted to anything, because that guy never got back to me about it. This was still cool to listen to, as it was really different than any other soundboard I had ever played here. It was really funny to play all of them at once and just hear them go on and on. It could have used some more detail but as it is just a single image, it did not matter that much. As a pokemon fan, I felt this to be a nice tribute.

Pretty good game

Yes, I am not really good at these games so I had no idea where to go after awhile. I mean, it seems like I had tried everything and I managed to get nothing out of it! On an optimistic note, however, this was really well designed with being entirely made of live-action photographs. In a way, it was hard to get used to, but it seems like it took a lot of effort. A lot of it was also pretty clear-cut with how you just had to press the buttons on the side of the screen to advance. The music is also very ominous and fitting.

Lots of fun!

This game was great fun to play and not just because I could get a lot of medals easily (although that helped). The music was great and you just had no idea what was going to pop up next. There were so many different things to explore and look at. I love how gracefully Bob just glides across the blocks and sweeps away the enemies. It's even funny just to hear that sound he makes whenever he jumps. It was also nice to not having to die the first time you touched the lava, but gradually.


I liked this game, even if I have gotten used to the typical war strategy game. This was fun to play because the gameplay was quite simple and you could send in ship after ship. It seemed as though you could not send them after awhile even when you had money, but I beat the level anyway. It's great how you can directly attack the main ship without having to destroy all the little ships first. The graphics are quite slick, especially with how the ships shoot each other. It seemed like some of my opponents were even hitting their own ships!

So many tanks!

This was one of the lesser entries in the series, because the controls were not all that good. However, it was still fun to play because it had all the great graphics and music as the previous installments did. It was sometimes hard to understand the goal, but with all the blowing up, you did not really care. I love how it takes a few shots from a tank to kill a single soldier. It seems as though you forgot to submit "Tank 2009" to this website. All of them are great, and it is a good game series to keep up with.

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