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I thought this game was just okay. What I did not understand was how it seemed to have enemies that were too hard to beat. I had to get so many shots in just to kill one of them. It seemed too strenuous. The layout is actually quite nice. I appreciate how it's at least easy to understand.

The music is fairly nice too. It really gives you a triumphant feel. I'm sorry, but it seemed too much work. The designs are fairly well done. At least it wasn't too hard.

This was a lot better than I thought at first! Granted, it does still have some flaws, like how the design isn't that good. I still really enjoyed this! The best part was probably how you were going around in a different world. I thought the moving parts were enemies. I am glad they were not.

I just liked the way you had to weave in and out of everything. It really is well put together. While generic, it still delivers what it's supposed to. The sounds were nice. I don't know if it's an endless game.

I did not like this. I think it might be because it's simply so old looking. Then again, so are some "South Park" episodes. I appreciate how you did throw in some satire. I know those are real things he said. It feels more satisfying now that Osama bin Laden has been found.

I knew Dubya couldn't do it! The game seemed to be in really low quality for me. I could barely move the glove around. I hope it wasn't meant to be that hard. At least he's no more in power.

Here's another game from you I can't really recommend. I just found it to be strange that it said something about a Snappy Game when this did not have the title. I thought it would redirect me to another website. I'm glad it did not, as I have run into that problem. I'm sorry, but I am just not into these kinds of games. I guess other people like them.

I liked the music. The graphics weren't bad, but they came off as rather dull. I got dirty thoughts looking at the building from the outside. I really don't think that was intentional. At least there's nothing too awful about it.

I was really quite impressed by this. I really had no idea what I was even doing at first. It really did manage to be a lot better because it was so unique. While not one of my favorite games, still very well done. I don't know how much this is based in science. It seemed like a science game at first.

I liked just seeing everything hit something else. It's one of those games that really plays itself. I like the little sounds. The music was nice and soothing. I really do recommend this game.

Here's a game that pretty much defines mediocrity. I thought it was at least kind of interesting how you used toothpaste and bacteria. I thought it would be more of an educational game. I've played much better ones. I guess there's nothing really wrong with this.

It's just that nothing seems to stand out. The voters seem to agree with me. You could have put in music. That's always a must for games. The sound effects you do have aren't bad.

This reminds me of the Galactic Galaxy Golf games by Armegalo. Yeah, I think those are better. I really missed not having any music in this. I only know realize how important it is to have in a game. This was still decent, as I enjoyed seeing what moves I could use. I like how when you get the hole, the ball just keeps on going forever.

It was also pretty easy to understand. I think it could have been more detailed, though. You should have had more stuff going on. It still managed to be hard without it, though. I guess I just like games about space golf.

Well, this is by far one of the hardest games I have ever played. I am generally good at hangman. It's a pretty good game for me. This was just so fast paced it was hard to really enjoy it. I still like it, though. It truly did encourage me to do better.

I thought maybe the word had something to do with what was in the picture. I mean, the picture did always change. I should have known better. I guess it's something better off not as a video game. I liked the gasps, though.

The name vaguely reminded me of Metroid. I guess it was just how the main character looked. Given how small it was, it could have been a chibi version. I was impressed by the bright colors. It really was interesting to see where the orbs would show up next. It can be pretty hard.

I guess it's not meant to be played with a laptop. The music was mysterious and ambitious. The title's pretty cool too. You could have had a larger level. I guess that might have made it too easy.

I thought this was quite well done. I admit that the graphics could have been better. It was still worth checking out. It's mostly because you have such a wide area to go out and explore. In a fighting game, that's the best kind there is. It's kind of like combining a platformer with a boss game.

Well, I don't think that was intentional. I liked all the different kinds of weapons. It was easier to play than I thought. I don't remember the original one, but I definitely played it. It could use an update.

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