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I admit that this was mostly good, but why was there no sound? Was it something wrong with my laptop? Everything else was working fine. I was wondering why the catcher wasn't there at first. Oh, then he came and the game was much harder! These monkeys know how to duck.

I like how simple it is. It's still pretty difficult. I was kind of getting a "Donkey Kong" vibe from this. You know, with him climbing the platforms. Well, he'd be in Mario's place anyway.

I think the animation is still good. It kind of reminds me of "Phineas And Ferb" now that I think about it. This seems rather mundane. Well, I assume it'll have demons or something later. I guess it wasn't that entertaining. It still has most of what you'd want from a game like this.

As usual, it's easy to understand. I just read the dialogue and skip it before advancing. Have I said that before? These games do get kind of redundant. They're still fine for a play.

Well, the mechanics were pretty hard, but it was still pretty enjoyable. It is annoying killing the same people over and over. I like how Maude dies. She did die in the show! Anyway, it's nonsensical, but pretty fun. I was surprised at how hard it was.

Well, I mean how hard it was to get the full three stars. It moves a little slow for me. Still, it's quite easy to play. You can just stay in the same position after awhile. Of course, you lose stars that way.

Aprime responds:

Hey, they're clones. Makes all the sense ;)
You don't actually lose stars. There's no timer. It's all to do with getting combos and messing up the environment :D

I always love Battleship! I did notice a major flaw with this. You had five ships while the enemy had six! Well, that was Advanced Mode. I just had to use that. Everything seems to be in order.

It's hard to make a bad version of such an easy game. I like the effects as they get blown up. It's about as well paced as a regular Battleship game. That is, it takes awhile. I always like authentic stuff.

Well, this was submitted on April Fool's Day, but it looks normal. Wait, it is different than your usual stuff. Maybe it is April Fool's? Anyway, I loved this because of how easy it was! Okay, I still couldn't find the three stars. I got nearly every movie parody right.

I only got "2001: A Space Odyssey" wrong. I was just too fast and clicked "Planet Of The Apes"! I'm still a movie expert. If you did this all the time, I'd easily win. I'm better with it than art.

This may in fact be the best point and click adventure game I've ever played! It's mostly because there's this awesome minigame with a spider. That was a great puzzle game. The animation is so good here. Er, should I say graphics? I love the sounds too.

You know how to create atmosphere. I still can't get that far. Was I supposed to kill the dog with the knife? Yeah, I knew this wouldn't be that sick. The pacing was great too. It's just a wonderfully fun game.

This is one of the few Newgrounds games to have its own Wiki article! I honestly don't know why. It's probably popular on a lot of other websites, too. Anyway, this was quite fun. I am still pretty bad at this game. It doesn't matter, because it's easy to understand.

I really do like the graphics. Everything is formatted so well. Yeah, I can't really advance much. At least it's nice to look at. Congratulations on its popularity!

I wasn't able to play it. It's not just that I didn't have a partner, although that was a big part of it. My laptop doesn't have those number keys to fight with! I mean, I guess the game looks nice. Even the title's kind of off. It's too generic.

I guess the designs are fine. For stick figures, it's well designed. I just want a game without two player. There should be options. It literally isn't for me.

Nine million views?! This is one of the most popular games on this entire website! Anyway, this sprite work is amazing. I admit that I'm pretty bad at this game. The enemy just seems absurdly powerful. Well, at least we get to see that cool intro.

It gets too repetitive. It has great sounds at least. I guess it's technically a great game. I'm just bad at RPGs! That's probably why I never really liked them.

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