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I didn’t know this would be a defense game. I really do love those! It’s been so long since I’ve played them. I guess I just assumed the gameplay would be different. The music is fine. I like the designs of all the creatures.

It gets a bit repetitive, but is still fun. I’m impressed that I was always to get to Day 4. Or is that typical? Anyway, it was good for me. Gotta love those wizards.

Not into RPGs normally, but this was a lot of fun. It's mostly because of how mobile you are. I mean, you are really able to move around a lot. The sounds were nice too. I really liked the design too. It's all authentic to Pico.

I'm glad you get the gun fairly early. I still can't get that first enemy, though. I guess I'm not that familiar with the villain. It's great that Pico has developed its own mythos. I thought I could go through the first door I saw.

I am quite confused by this game. At first, I thought it would be too easy. Well, maybe I could get medals easily. I realize it's hard to understand. I'm not into games like this. I appreciate the little details even if it's not that well detailed.

I still got a score of 250. Is that good? There was no sound on this. I might have just missed something. I guess the sprite work could have been better.

Alon-Tzarafi responds:

Well it's a strategy game after all, even if it's a simple one.
And some of the achievements are NOT easy to get :-) About score, if you see the score achievement it's for scores of 1200 and up.
About the sound I didn't add any sound/music here because it's almost a background game. Maybe I should have... Especially if it confuses people.

This game was weird, but it was still very fun. I guess it's mostly because the graphics are so good. It's been awhile since I've seen something from ArmorGames here. Hey, two of my favorite artists! I loved the bright colors. You really could get better with this.

I'm not into RPGs much. I guess that's hypocritical because I love the "Epic Battle Fantasy" series. It's an exception, okay! The music was nice too. Glad to see everyone still active.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Thanks for playing! Good to see you're still reviewing content on NG :)

I had this confused with Final Fantasy Sonic. How many Sonic RPGs are there here?! Anyway, I loved the sprite work. For some reason, my laptop was too slow. At least I could get through the first battle. The sounds were great too. Whoops, I reviewed the wrong submission.

Eh, I'd review this anyway. I look at anything with medals. I liked seeing these characters. Their voices were pretty suiting. You're all quite talented here.

Wow, that was a lot of fun. I will admit that the premise was pretty ridiculous. Its mostly because of the whole four second thing. I wish it was five seconds! That's a nicer number! Anyway, it was fun with how unpredictable it was.

I had no idea what to do half the time. I think my favorite was probably the sheep dodging the bombs. It was the hardest one I could get through. I like the layout. I guess its good for a short play or plays.

Well, that was a very short game. Well, I'm not good at it. I admit I shouldn't just stay in the same place the whole time. I'm too crazy to get into it. The sprite work is quite nice. I know I've seen this before.

I can't complain about something fast paced. You just have to go with it. It automatically goes to full screen mode when you play. That's odd, but it works fine. Lemmy's a pretty funny name.

It was great to see a remake of such a classic game. Well, I don't know as I haven't played the original game. It's been referenced so many times I know a lot about it. What was with the Japanese words? I wish there could have been an English translation.

I still like the graphics. I was always confused as to why shooting the hostages freed them. The explosions were great. I thought it wasn't that hard. Well, the helicopters are pretty bad.

Wow, that was one of the wackiest games I've ever played. I really didn't know what to do with it. I like how everything is labeled like that. You just have to read the words. I was confused as to how to get the medals. I mean, I really have no idea how you even do that.

The music is great. I was able to beat the game, but still didn't get anything. I still appreciated how unique it was. My favorite was probably the "Drink Me" parts. I did feel drunk.

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