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I agree that this is the worst of these games. It's mostly because it's way too slow. I mean, what's really even going on? I use the magnet and nothing happens. I thought you'd win when the ship touched the planet. Or the moon I guess.

The music's fine at least. I had no idea how to even progress. I had little time at all. I was at least able to draw the ships near. This just did nothing for me.

That was quite a strange game. It was strange in that I couldn't get past it. I had to look up the walkthrough. I was literally the first person to do that! Anyway, you have to dig under the tree and you'll see a rabbit down there. Go to the other end and the rabbit will bite your leash off.

Keep going to the right until you reach the sheep. Bark at the sheep until he goes into the pen. Close the door (and open) with the digging key. That's how you get one ending. I'm not interested in the other ones.

I feel bad about not playing the Megaman games when I was playing. It's not because they were popular. It's because I'm now bad at them! I still have to praise you for great graphics. I'm glad to be familiar with the setting. The music is great too.

It takes a little while to get used to the controls, but it's still fun. I really suck at boss battles. I think it's always been like that. I mean, I've played fan Megaman games before. This is still great.

Alright, I loved this game because of how different it was. I mean, I thought you had to escape or something at first. Instead, you just died as many times as you could. I love how you can die simply by falling. This really is quite innovative. I noticed the red blood on the black and white world.

It reminds me of "Madness Combat". The music's pretty good. I don't know why that house kills you. I think it's just filled with explosives or something. Anyway, quite an original game.

Yeah, I'm not following these games. It's probably because I'm too lazy to really advance that much. This is still nice. I like the good graphics. This one is pretty easy to understand. It actually kind of reminds me of the animation from "Phineas And Ferb".

The music is well suiting too. I can always appreciate the creativity. The voices are pretty good. There's nothing really wrong with this. I'm just not into point and click adventure games.

Crap, I'm no good at this game! It was still nice to play if only because of the memories. Yes, I have rather fond memories of this show as a little kid. I get to see all these characters again. I've forgotten so many of them! I can't even kill most of them as I'm bad at this game.

You even listed all their names! How convenient. The music's nice too. I guess more skilled players will like this. I like those blood effects.

I loved playing this. It's mostly because it's based on one of my favorite cartoons. I think the cutscene is the same as the original cartoon. I appreciate the great animation. For some reason, I wasn't able to switch weapons that well. At least I got it eventually.

While a bit repetitive, it's still fun. It's great to see the cartoon come to life as a game. Those opening logos are pretty long. I really do love that music. Too bad that Matrix movie wasn't better.

That was a great game! I do have a few complaints. I wish it wasn't just one bite that finished you off. Maybe the enemies could have had more variety too. Still, it's very fun to play! I'm such a sucker for zombie stuff.

I just loved how simple this was. You killed the zombies and that's all! I love how they gradually lose their body parts. The music is quite nice too. It's just Pico being awesome.

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