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Yep, I love this game. I know it's very violent, but that's why we love it. It has very little purpose at all, but I don't care. I just love the way it's so bloody. I could play it all day. I guess it's not that creative, but you get the point.

It's hard to say anything else about this. I'm usually pretty good at combos. I guess a lot of it's luck. I thought this was called "Fluffy McFluffenstein" at first. At least the cat doesn't get hurt.

Wow, I was impressed at how complicated this was. I mean, it seems like every single panel there was a puzzle to solve. I managed to find the key at the beginning. It didn't mean much, because I still didn't solve the puzzle! This may be your hardest game yet. I appreciate you willing to challenge your viewers.

Everything is so well organized. Mr. Dawkins was murdered? Must have been some religious person! The graphics are as good as ever. I liked how you used Sherlock.

Great stuff! I love seeing collaborations between so many great artists. Even if it was just pictures, it was still awesome to look at. I admit I was a tad turned off by the sketchbook background. Still, it was a pretty original idea. Maybe my favorite was Dave's?

I loved the opening part. I thought the whole thing would be like that. I'm glad it was easier to look at. Shouldn't a yearly thing be done at the end of the year? Whatever, it was still awesome.

Well, that was odd. It was just a boss game. I just shot the same people over and over. Well, the same clocks I guess. At least the first couple of people were easy. I wish these guys had health bars.

It was just too hard to tell when you were going to beat them. Still, I really do appreciate the music. The animation is pretty unique. At least you get to play as Hank. I just wanted more enemies, but Happy Pico Day 2017!

Spawd responds:

Thank you.
They did have health bars though.

It takes awhile to get used to the controls. Thank you for having different options. I was impressed at how authentic this was to the game. Then again, I've never played the game. Well, I've seen enough parodies to understand it. The music's great too.

You get all the unique enemies from the game too. It wasn't too hard for me. Even the opening cutscene was great. I think the smaller image works. The sprite work looks better that way.

I guess I can appreciate how the game is rather easy. Well, how it's easy to understand. It seemed like you could just stay in the same place the whole game. That changed when they could fire stuff at you. Dang, am I lazy. The music is very nice.

I doubt this is scientifically accurate. It still has nice detail put into it. You rarely see sprite stuff. It actually is unique for its sprite work. The title's actually pretty funny.

VeryEvilTomato responds:

Thanks so much for the sprite work appreciation :) I'm glad you enjoyed the game, you're the first to say the game is easy, a lot of people struggle after wave 15.

Well, that was a game with some weird mechanics, but I enjoyed it overall. It's probably because I can't really lose. I guess you just hit space at the very beginning. Seriously, that's it? You just play the rest of the game doing nothing except tricks? Well, I can like easy stuff.

The music's fine. I never played the original game. I feel bad on all the stuff I missed out on as a kid. Endless really was endless. I wish you could go back to the menu there. Raceing is my favorite.

I believe this was better the last one. It's probably because this one's just more innovative. I was afraid you wouldn't have much control. Instead, you respawned in different places, so you got more ways to kill yourself. My favorite was probably when he hit the camera. I didn't even know this guy had eyes.

The music is great too. These really are innovative games. I like the little bits of color here and there. It's just fun for how easy it is. Well, as easy as a game like this can be.

I admit to being very confused by this. I guess it's hard to look at an RPG made in such a short time. I mean, it made little sense. Have the designs of the medals changed? Anyway, this is just weird. I guess the drawings are good.

It just did little for me. Congrats on being the most popular game for this Ludum Dare. Well, last time I checked at least. I liked the variety of music. I guess people more into these kinds of games will like it more.

BoobMarley responds:

Wrong. Game made 100% perfect sense and is 100% perfect in every way.
Thank you for playing and for writing a pretty good, sober review.

I admit that I didn't know how to play the game at first, but it got much better! I knew it would be too easy to just hit the cloud once. This ended up being a very creative game. I especially like the "T" thing. It reminds me of the tower from "Teen Titans". The sound effects are great too.

I like how you can jump higher. I didn't notice the lake of fire beneath me. Is this supposed to be Hell? Well, with this fun game it sure isn't. Thank you for this very creative game.

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