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It was easy to understand, but that was the main problem. It was too easy to understand. That and the graphics weren't good at all. It was still nice for a really quick play. I don't know why there's rabbits there. Isn't that something more for Easter?

It reminds me of that Easter Rampage game. That was a lot better. You really needed better designs. At least it was kind of different. That wasn't enough to save it.

The-EXP responds:

I actually made a sequel to this game :p http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/545958

I was very impressed by this! I had no idea the number would be so high! I guess the design itself wasn't that abstract, but it didn't matter. The music is fantastic. It's just oozing with creativity. I love how there's just so many things to do.

Okay, maybe it's hard to use the cursors and arrow keys at the same time, but it's still great. I just love this theme. It's amazing how much you can do with Halloween. I love creative stuff. I still probably won't make my own.

Why isn't this score higher? It's just great to mess with a real life person here. I was amazed at how many functions there were. Oh, and the backgrounds were amazing! You just got down all of the memes of this website so well. I also love all these songs.

I mean, you guys seriously chose some of the best Internet songs. There's a reason these are so popular. It was great to see all this familiar stuff. Uh, the songs are already stated while they're being played. I don't need to see the credits.

Okay, I admit there wasn't that much to this. It was just Pac-Man with Weebl and Bob characters. I still didn't care in the least! I love Pac-Man! How can you go wrong with a remake so authentic to the style of the original game? Again, not that hard to imitate.

Everything's just so nice and bright here. Purple works really well here. It was funny to hear them talk too. I don't even remember this ox. I thought I knew the characters better.

Well, I feel quite bad for you. I mean, this seemed to be pretty authentic to the original game. It's just that there was nothing interesting going on. It was just you in the same place killing the same enemies over and over. I wish there was music. At least there was sound.

I can see why the rating is so low. I thought this would be a cartoon, judging from the title. The logo loaded really slow at first. Well, it wasn't worth it. I was able to understand the gameplay, if nothing else.

I can see why this game is so popular! Okay, I admit it does get redundant after awhile, but it's still a lot of fun. I especially appreciate how it's just you killing everyone. I guess you could have had more of a background. I really love this music. I liked the different weapons.

I love the zombie designs. They almost look like dinosaurs! It's just so creative. Thanks for giving everyone a health bar. It's a very clear cut game.

Wow, that was intense! I was surprised at how hard this was! I mean, I could barely go anywhere. I guess it's hard for me to really love it. I still think it's a great game. It just has so much going on.

Even if it's not that well detailed, it's still hard. It's amazing how much can go on. I like the animation when you die. Wow, that's a weird thing to say. Still great though.

When I first came across this game, it looked really boring. I know realize it's tons of fun! Granted, it's probably because I'm more used to playing this kind of game. Was it based on the board game "Sorry"? I've played that one many times before. This was just like it.

I was annoyed when the enemy looked like he won. Instead, I did! I didn't even notice that! There really are a lot of fine details in this game. I wish it was popular.

freeworldgroup responds:

its based on a game that came about in the 1600s I think - one of the earliest known board games :)

I remember this episode of "The Amazing World Of Gumball" that was a parody of RPGS. Gumball named his character "Mybutt". Guess what I did here? Sorry, I just had to see the words, "Mybutt, wait!" in this game. Seriously, this is very good. The animation is superb.

It really is a very realistic game. I love the music. It's so soothing. It's pretty easy to understand too. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the secret medal is for beating it.

JackAstral responds:


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