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Yeah, it's easy to see why this is the lowest rated game here. What did this have to do with three things? Well, not all of them are like that here. The graphics were pretty lame. The dialogue overlapped. It was pretty cheap.

The screen itself is too small. Well, I guess it wasn't that much of a hindrace. I wasn't interesting in completing the game! The voices are annoying. Sorry we didn't enjoy this.

I admit that I'm not good at this, but it was still quite fun. This reminds me of foosball. That's what this game is also called, right? I didn't know what this had to do with the number three. There's only two teams! I also did like soccer.

The graphics are fine enough. I guess I'm not good at sports. I like how this game often plays itself. You still have to move everyone around though. I'm surprised there aren't more plays.

nowubeing2 responds:

Thx~ Own Goal Players = the 3rd party on field~

Well, that was rather strange. I can't deny that we've gotten some interesting games here. I wish I knew more about magnetism. Eh, that probably wouldn't help. I like how unique it is. It just isn't well detailed.

Okay, it doesn't need to be. It really isn't my thing. I'm not really into puzzle games. Maybe I"m just dumb. I'd need a walkthrough.

netcell responds:

I only have around 3 to 4 days to make this game so it is really not well detailed.

It's not about your intelligence, puzzle game is more about experience in similar games.
If you really like this one and need help in some stages, you can pm me :)

Have fun :)

At first, I didn't understand this, but it makes a lot more sense more. You just had to dodge everyone's attacks. Still, I thought this was too small. It was just the same place the whole time. It wasn't quite enough for a full game. The graphics were still great.

It was very unique too. Sometimes I got far just by luck. I don't know if you could even beat the game. It's just weird. It wasn't really bad at all.

Wow, I was quite impressed at how hard this game was. I really lost it at the third level. There were just so many specific things to do. I always give someone credit for a challenging game. Am I just becoming dumber? I was pretty bad at this.

I loved the goofy graphics. I'm glad this is ranked as the best for this Construct. These games certainly look interesting so far. The music is great too. It's very stylistic.

Butzbo responds:

Oh that's, right, now that it's been played much more, level 3 turned out to be a lot more complex than what I originally intended!, I guess it did came with too many new clustered elements; that's one thing to keep in mind if I do an expansion.
Thanks for playing! :)

I was amazed at how hard this game was. I especially appreciate all the little details. I still love seeing how fast I can beat the levels. At first, I thought you had to drag every single body segment. Instead, you just had to grab their tips. I love the music too.

It really sets the atmosphere up wonderfully. You can just learn the instructions on your own. You deserve over a million views. This was just very fun. While time consuming, you get used to it.

This was certainly good, but I do have a major complaint. I can't seem to figure out how to change scenes! Anyway, this is still awesome to look at. I loved the atmosphere. I wasn't expecting that zombie to appear in the window. I (as the player) seem to take that very well.

Love the Winnie The Pooh thing. You were a little late for Halloween. I was impressed by how this has such a high rating yet got no awards! It wasn't even on the front page. Good for you, I guess.

That was a good game, but the layout was really weird. I didn't even notice that those skulls looked different at first! I guess I'll give you points for that. It was just weird when the kittens appeared. I thought those were bombs or something. The title's pretty strange.

You'd think "Deathmatch" would be a fighting game. At least the music's good. Skulls are pretty cool. It's paced fairly well. Uh, Happy Halloween?

It's been too long since I've played a game like this! There will probably never be a sequel to "RaidenX". I just love how ambitious this was. I'm not that good at it, though. I'm glad I got two lives. Well, it seemed like a lot more with those health powerups.

At fist, I was afraid there'd be no music, but there was! I loved the graphics. Even the powerups looked nice. The sounds were very authentic. There could have been more variety with the enemies, though.

I'm so glad I can go back to this game and check the stuff I got wrong. Sometimes you just need to do that! I think my favorite was the candle lighting. I managed to get that one down the easiest! I love the format. It's just cool to see these screens flying around.

I think I got three or four of them down on the first try. Is that good? You know how to make good pacing. Wow, that's a lot of developers! One for each minigame I bet!

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