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I thought this was a really unique game. It's mostly because I thought it would be a "Kingdom Hearts" game. I mean that was what I think of when I think of Hearts games! Instead, it was something different. I still am really bad at this game. Well, I guess I can't compare it to other people.

Even with three arrows, it was difficult! I guess I'm just not used to these kinds of games. The music was too loud. It just seemed that for this one game. It was pretty nice visually.

I didn't care that much for this game. I was surprised by how hard it was! Well, I was also kind of impressed by how hard it was. I can like challenging stuff. I guess this should have just had more detail. The title's a bit too generic.

I think it's worded wrong, actually. Was that a joke? At least you could rotate it. Yeah, I figured out how to do that. At least I could get that right.

Like most people, I didn't care for this. I can see why the rating is so low. Why was there no sound? That's just something people expect in a game. Well, really anything here. The graphics weren't good.

All the elves looked the same. Why were they black? I guess it's racist to ask. Santa probably does have a sweatshop. This just moved too slow.

I admit this game didn't seem that good at first, but it got a lot better! I was impressed by the gameplay. I thought it would just be Ivan Drago in a boxing match. I never did like those boxing games. Instead, it was an awesome beat em up! It looked so nice.

I appreciated the different enemies. There were always new ones. I can see why this is so popular. It deserves all these reviews. That was a man with the whip?

I was confused by the cloud as well. You always had to write under it. Write? Is that the right terminology for this? Anyway, the drawings were pretty nice. Merry very late Christmas or very early Christmas.

I knew from the title this would be a game. I guess it just could have been more creative. It was still fairly nice. The music was decent too. It's just not that memorable.

Well, I was able to figure out one puzzle at least. There's the thing that says "See News". You simply have to correlate the letters to North, South, East, and West. I managed to get a plutonium rod. Wait, is that just something from "Back To The Future"? The animation was really nice.

I went on the boat but it made no sense. It told me to collect the cheese. I avoided a rock but I lost. Then I hit the rock and lost. Uh, it's kind of impossible to win. It's still pretty unique for you.

I guess this was just okay. I really was turned off by how there was no sound or music. It wasn't until Level 3 that it got really hard. I guess I just suck at puzzle games. This was still pretty interesting. These games always trick me with how hard they get.

The layout is very simple. I've never played Sokoban before. I've never even heard of it! You think you know your games. Anyway, this was at least good for fans of the game.

While not great, it was certainly playable. I especially liked how simple it was. It took awhile for me to advance through the dialogue. I liked the artwork. I love how you have that "Receive Medal" thing at the end. I thought I hadn't beaten the game properly!

I named my character "Mybutt" again. I'm just that much into TAWOG. The music was great. I'm just not a huge fan of this stuff. It's still pretty interesting.

I wish this game would have showed the boss' health. I was annoyed by how long it was. Is it all just one level? I'm impressed by the score as I don't think it's that good. I do have to reload the page. That can get annoying.

The music is very nice. It's very easy to understand this game. I adore how you get your health replenished every time at a checkpoint. I can tell you made 'DUCKS!'. You have a very distinct style.

Butzbo responds:

Having a health bar on the bosses was one of the many things I juggled through design, at the end I decided not to show it to focus the experience on the player observing the bosses, since they do have different phases and progression, maybe it's not that evident and it's something I could address for further versions.
Thanks a lot for the review!

Yes, I loved this game! It's just hard to go wrong with an authentic Mario game at all. It really was quite innovative. I'm glad there were checkpoints. The sprites look just like the games. I don't know why a Bullet Bill would get points for killing Goombas.

Maybe it's a good Bullet Bill? The music was great too. There really was a lot of variety in this. The bright colors always work. Thanks for these unique games.

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