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Hate to say it, but I didn't care for this. When I clicked stuff, it didn't do anything. I mean, I always admire art. Collabs are great too. This just didn't have that much uh, point? It was just one drawing.

I'm always glad when people team up on something big. Well, around here at least. These are decent drawings. I'm glad it wasn't just Castle Crashers. There was some variety.

Mabelma responds:

Thanks for your feedback. Not sure what you were expecting it to do, other than link you to the artist’s website and give you medals.

Dotbutnewgrounds responds:

it might not have a point to newgrounds users who didnt know about this but it had a point to us, the people who participated, it all started on a discord server where we said we were going to draw behemoth characters,and we did, this means a lot to us

It's been awhile since I've played a game made personally by Tom Fulp. I must admit that I'm not good at it. Still, I got a medal so that's enough. I thought it would be more active. It's still great gameplay. The graphics are very impressive.

It can be annoying having to go through all that dialogue with the woman. At least she's good looking. It is quite a unique game. You have no idea what will pop up in the next level. Happy birthday to um...my dad!

Dammit! We've been getting so many kick-ass submissions lately! I was in no way expecting this to be so awesome. I mean, I know it took up a lot of bytes or something. It was just nothing but fast paced action the whole time! Of course, I'm biased against stuff with or without medals.

It's still incredible. The tutorial was a bit annoying, but I could just skip that. This had nothing but punch after punch and they all worked! Well, for a gamer like me. I was still surprised at how hard this second (third?) boss was. The sounds were awesome too.

Dang, I was impressed at how hard this game was! I thought it would at least be easy at first! I was in fact motivated to go on. Then again, that's only because I've played a lot of games. Noseferapoo looked like a Simpsons character. At least the enemies were creative.

I just wished this wasn't a boss game. Right off from the bat, it was hard. No pun intended for the second boss. It was still quite creative. The pixel effects are very nice.

Chdonga responds:

Thanks for the review! I had a lot of fun making it. I really like only coding bosses not full on levels. Maybe in the future I'll branch out more.

Wow, this was incredible! It was basically an inverted Javanoid! I remember playing those games all the time! I thought it was so creative with all the different kinds of tiles. Even the puns were cute! It's very unique for a mining game!

Those indestructible blocks were the worst! It's such a cute game. I so wish it had a higher score. Well, you can at least know someone as prolific a reviewer as me loved it! I'm glad it wasn't too hard either. Some rocks were hard though, hee hee!

larrynachos responds:

Omg thanks Ericho! I'm so glad you liked it :) thanks for stopping by!

Did this game ever end? I seriously think it really is infinite, just like the title suggests. It's such an amazing game. I mean, everything was so utterly gorgeous and bright. The colors were stupendous. I had no idea what insane world I was in. I think it was so huge, my computer couldn't keep up with the graphics.

It was easily, hands down, the best submission for Pixel Day 2021. Probably the best game released in the past couple of years! At least for me. Even the tutorial was a huge, beautiful world. It was obviously derivative from Sonic, but I don't care. If there is a Heaven, playing this would take up eternity for me.

That was a lot of fun! I was afraid it would just be the only level in the beginning. Then again, it got way harder on the second level. Those red guys gathering was obnoxious! This is the best submission for Pixel Day 2021! Everyone seems to agree with me.

The music was great too. Everything really was quite unpredictable. This is a pretty unique protagonist too. I like that big ol' gun. You have to really train to prepare for what's coming next.

The thing is, I don't really like these kinds of games. I know there is effort put into them. It was just hard because it's the same signs over and over. People who are fans of these kinds of games should definitely enjoy it. I'm just not one of them. The graphics are really good.

I need to stop being surprised at how it escalates. I thought it would be about the player using a chainsaw. Well, there's still a chainsaw man, person involved. It would take awhile to get used to it. The song wasn't that enjoyable for me.

Level 0 was really weird. I mean, it just went on and on and on until I could kill myself. Still, I have to give you credit for a truly unique game! Happy Pixel Day 2021! You really deserve to be recognized for something this bonkers! It reminded me of the Dirty Bubble from Spongebob.

I don't think the medals showed up on screen. It could certainly get chaotic. This just had so much going on. It had to be built up, but it was worth it! This deserves its front page!

Sumeragi responds:

The tutorial sheet was begging for you to click on the arrow! You can leave the tutorial through the button on it once you reach the goal.
Unsure as to why the medals don't show on screen, we'll look into it. Happy you enjoyed our game, and happy Pixel Day 2021!

(Btw, thanks for the feedback! I adjusted the experience for players who haven't played the tutorial yet.)

Well, what do you know? My hardest and most unbeatable level is none other than the last one. Seriously, this was an absolutely amazing game! It was so unique! I loved how a lot of the levels played themselves. It's like an old school Sonic game!

I didn't think a game like this would be that fun. It would be either too easy or too hard. I was glad to find out it was neither! It was so addictive! The music was nice too. It's also an incredibly easy going game...until the last level that is.

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