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Dang, seems like every game has medals now! This is one big Flash Jam! I mean, won't all games from now on work like this? I have to give you credit for making something unique. I was motivated to keep on going. This guy almost looks like a Super Saiyan.

It was simple, but very cool. The best part was probably how it sped up. Boy, was it easy to go back when the security wasn't coming. I guess it's just faster this way. Very unique game.

That was awesome! I'm glad I learned how to make it work. Well, that was before you changed the format. Or I guess the flash player. I did try this on another computer and it still didn't work. I'm glad to know it wasn't just me.

I really never have played a game like this before! I thought it would be a defense game. It really wasn't. It's always nice to have a big open space to smash baddies with! What a fun layout!

PsychoGoldfish responds:

Thanks for putting in the extra effort to give it a fair chance! I'm stoked you enjoyed the game.

Wow, that was interesting! I am peeved about not being able to play my favorite old games! My favorite's "RaidenX". I loved seeing the game characters appear in this. There were more of them than movie characters. Could've included some hentai characters.

I guess a raped Starfire wouldn't be a good addition. My only complaint was that it was too short. It's still a very unique game. I thought Pico Day was coming early this year. Boy, is there a lot in Flash Forward Jam.

Dang, it was loud at first! That was some awesome sprite work. I didn't even know it would be sprites at first. Nice how I got two turns in a row at first. Hey, a fairy like sidekick that's actually useful! We've just been pumping out game after game lately!

I truly have lightened up to RPGs lately. That's a lot of songs to put into your game too! The enemies are quite unique too. It really should satisfy any RPG fan. It's easy to see why it won Daily Feature.

Wait, nine endings? Now I really am interested! The combo that I found was door on the far left, tea pot, climb, lamp, item, and mystery present. That's what got me the Dress Up ending. Or all they all dress up endings?

By endings, do you mean ones where you die? If so, then this is the right ending that I found. I loved the goofy animation. I didn't even know it was a game at first. That was unique for a game.

Butzbo responds:

Oh I was actually counting the 'defeats' as endings; But now that you mention it, I may rephrase that so that it doesn't cause confusion hahah!
Thanks for playing!

What an odd game. I didn't think it would be for kids with the whole 6:66 thing. Everything leads to Wendigo. I like the cheesy CGI. I don't want to see what the bad ending is. Then again, I haven't gotten the good ending.

I don't know if I can even beat the mini-game where you put the body parts together. Whatever, it's still nice and goofy. I just guessed at the iron thing. It was right in the middle! This is in fact genuinely educational.

Well, this was definitely a cool game, but it was way too hard! I mean, I couldn't attack at the time I wanted. I thought if I just clicked S, it would work. Instead, I couldn't always count on it. You had to be right in front of the enemy. If you attacked even an inch away from them, you'd die instantly.

Some of the enemies were harder to take down than me! It's still a great environment. It could have used more variety though. Thank God there aren't medals! I'd have to work really hard and study everything to get good at it.

This game was a lot of fun. I do have one complaint though. You should have been able to reset the whole level! I mean, undoing move by move is monotonous. Still, it's a very nice looking game. The graphics are great.

Not the most creative, but still a lot of fun. There really is a lot of design. You rarely see an environment like this. I like the other little pieces of land popping out. They just look nice.

Yeah, I can understand why people don't like this. At first I thought the black arrow keys were the actual boat or boats. It made little sense to me. You need to put in much more detail. I didn't know this flash forward was a whole jam. I can't even play those old games.

You need some music too. At least there's some sound in it. It's hard to give instructions on this. The drawings aren't distinct. At least it made the jam.

For a "Find The Differences" game, that was awesome! It's funny how the last one I found was the dog's collar. It was so obvious! I just clicked on the dog hoping it would give me the answer! You make a loop look so nice. The drawings are great too.

I guess drawings? I can't list them all here. The fun is to find them out for yourself. I'm glad you don't get a penalty for clicking the wrong thing. Oh, of course the dog's name is Spot.

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