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This was quite impressive! I may have been expecting an April Fool's Day joke or something. It was pretty unique. It could get annoying. I wasn't that interested in going on. You have to get used to four different modes of gameplay here!

Happy belated April Fool's Day! Well, that doesn't mean anything anymore. The sounds were pretty good too. You did have to do a lot of figuring out with this. I was waiting to see that Puzzle tag.

You know, it's been awhile since I've played an Assassin game here. We just sort of outgrew them. Well, killing isn't that childish. A lot of people hate Lola. I never really thought of her as being sexy. I mean, look at Rouge the Bat!

Then again, there's even more fetishes from My Little You-Know-What. Hey, Dickneck! Long time, no see. Forkheads sounds like 4Kids. We wanna kill them too!

Yomuchan responds:

Childish it may have been, but I truly had fun making this.


This would be a good game if I was any good at it! It seems to take too long to fire another shot. I wish there were upgrades or something. I haven't gotten far enough in the levels. Yeah, there probably are, but I'd have to work really hard. If only we had "Candy Crush" games here.

The graphics are still incredible! I know blob enemies like that. At least some of them remain stationary in this game. Again, at first it said I needed a new technology. The longness of the game can get annoying too (as in its size and format).

Stepford responds:

There are upgrades! The enemies drop them and you press E to pick them up. You should have a few before your verse the first boss.

Weird, at first it said I couldn't play this game. I simply tried later and it worked just fine! Oh well, I'm not complaining any more. I still remember how bad I am at rhythm games. I could not get far in this at all. The animation's still amazing.

I'll just use that to refer to graphics. I hate always mentioning that. The voice was awesome too! Not much, but should definitely please rhythm fans. I wish I could have thrown stuff at him.

Well, it was certainly a different kind of game. I do like how I was at least able to get past several levels. I just wasn't used to having to jump this way. I'm glad there were only 17 levels. I assume that's what that meant. Being glad of few levels isn't usually a good thing.

I did like the music. The title is even funny. It just isn't something worth for me to get into. Mobility's always a good point for me. It didn't quite click for me.

I really was very impressed by this game! It started off not that great, but got more creative. A car driving didn't seem that interesting at first. I had no idea those walls would close in. That certainly gave me motivation! Level 19 was as far as I got.

That's still pretty impressive for me. The music's great too. Those spinning things looked like stars. I thought you were supposed to usually collects stars in a game? Boy, was I wrong!

This was good, but not great. I guess it's mostly because it got monotonous. Still, it can be challenging. The buildup is rather nice. Again, it's not another FNF submission. Well, it is in the Flash Forward Jam.

Everything's still a jam! I'm glad it wasn't too long. Well, not long enough to make it hard to get medals. That's enough for me. For an action game, it seems oddly down to earth to me.

speed8327 responds:

thanks for the awesome feedback and that's really helpful for "Ruffle:Another Mission" part 2.
And all the awesome features mentioned from the feedback will be included in part 2.

Wow, the first three levels were really easy. Then I saw spikes everywhere! That was quite a whiplash! Anyway, this was still at least playable. I would really have to train to fully understand it. I still probably couldn't get far though.

It's weird how small it is. At least there's a lot of ways to continue. That can still make it frustrating though. The sounds are good. Is every game from now on going to be in the Flash Forward Jam?

HapPie responds:

Well the Flash Forward Jam deadline was February, so I'd wager you won't be seeing any more new games for it.

This really was one of the best point and click adventure games ever made! It may be because it was easy for me. Well, at least to get out of the room. I thought doing the paperwork would be an option. Of course that's too easy! I still learned a lot from this.

You have such great environments. Even the arrow keys look cool. You know, with how bubbly they are. It's just a very cool looking game. There's so many fine details, even if they're not that useful. I can't believe this only got Daily 5th Place!

I liked the graphics, but it had a big flaw. It was too large of a game! I wish I could go to fullscreen. Still, it's quite playable. The graphics and sprite work are done really well. I even like the title.

The music's nice too. Never seen a gamepad being shown here like that. I don't have one of those. Well, maybe I have one stored away somewhere. There's still heart put into this.

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