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I do think this was not as good as the other entries. It was still pretty fun. I am glad I was able to figure out that there were two songs you could play. I tried to get far in the game by quickly going ahead, but that didn't work. Bikini babes are great bonuses! I like how you can go in the clouds for powerups once or twice.

The hardest enemies were probably the crustaceans. If you worked really hard, you could kill one before it could attack. The sounds were fairly authentic. I wish you would have submitted the fourth one to this website. That was my favorite!

I do not really like this, mostly because it isn't very rewarding. What I found to be the most annoying was how you had so little control. You went over this big environment and you couldn't go wherever you wanted. I will admit that it's pretty good for a premise. I had no idea this would take place on the top of a planet. Usually, games like this take place in caves or something.

I did not care much for the graphics. It was meant to be a simple game, so it didn't need to be that good, I suppose. I like the happy face. I wish I had more of a happy face when playing this. The sounds are OK.

When I play through the instructions, I do not know how to advance. In the regular game, when you go out the door, it just automatically lets you in. I had to reupload the page in order to advance. I did like the sounds. I guess this just didn't strike me as very original. It's still a pretty good environment that you have created.

The graphics are okay, they could use work. I guess I'm just used to Madness games with better visuals. Everything does seem to sync up pretty well. I'm not really sure what those blue things do. It was fun for a quick play.

I was interested in how hard this was. I thought it was unbeatable, but I at least managed to get one medal, showing it could be beaten. You have to have certain colors overlap with each other. It's not just that, you need to have the color patches themselves overlap in just the right place. Who knew something with colors could be so complicated? I appreicate you making something different.

If only more people would warn me of how hard a game was. I'm an experienced gamer, dang it! I think the graphics are really well designed. It's fun to just see those letters fly around each time you win a level. It's hard, but fun.

josh-tamugaia responds:


Wow, this game is so awesome! I didn't understand why I didn't seem to be getting any points, but that was because the time ran out. I didn't notice you could be so precise with that. Another thing I found interesting was how the graphics moved so well. They weren't that great, but still looked decent enough. I appreciate the fast pacedness of this.

Oh yeah, this was back when you were working on hentai. Gee, you don't really go into that stuff anymore, do you? I thought it might be a game where you squashed an actual squirrel. That would just be mean. Squirrels are pretty funny.

This was really an impressive game. The weirdest thing about it is that I had a lot of fun, even though I was pretty bad at it. You would be surprised at how well it seems to hold up after all this time. The sounds are pretty authentic too. The designs could probably use a little more detail. It doesn't matter, because it's still fun. It's one of the hardest defense games I've ever played.

I guess I just like how everything is presented in such a realistic manner. It would help if you could speed things up. It's definitly worth checking out for its authenticness. Of course, real wars still probably don't use these kinds of things. It's nice for what it is.

I didn't think this game was very appealing. I think its main fault is that it's just too simple. I guess that might sound like a strange thing to say coming from a game where there are in fact a lot of styles. I just didn't understand it much myself. The stick figure drawing seemed way too lame in this. It just doesn't hold up well.

I guess I can't find anything particularly entertaining. With more of an actual game, this could be better. At least the choices for music weren't that bad. I have just played many games that are much better than this. I can see why it hasn't become that popular.

You claim that there were only two levels, when there were actually five. True, the fifth one was the unfinished one, but it still counts for something. I love how you can start from the beginning and the apples you have already gotten aren't there anymore. It seems to automatically replay after awhile. The graphics were really good.

I know this was based on an old arcade game of some kind, but I can't remember. Maybe I'm just thinking of this game when I played it the first game. I think it's a very nice game and should have won some award. That dying sound can get annoying.

I'm sorry, but I could not get into this. I think its biggest weakness was how there was no sound. I hope there wasn't anything wrong with my computer and it really did have sound. The graphics are really not that bad. It's just that in some parts, it comes off as too choppy. The platforms are just straightly drawn green boxes.

I couldn't even understand how I was dying that much. Even the health bar was too bland. I guess it is somewhat creative. You need to have better gameplay as it's just the same area over and over. It doesn't come off as very rewarding.

I guess it's kind of weird to have this being made when it isn't December. Of course, I'm playing it now in February! It doesn't matter that much, because it isn't even that much Christmas related. The songs are pretty authentic at least. I like how it has an overall goofy image. I just don't think it's that well detailed.

I rarely play a game like this that doesn't have a naked woman in it. I guess this snowman is, in some parts, technically naked. This wasn't intended to be that flashy, just a quick little game. In that sense, it succeeded. Not that elaborate, but still good.

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