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I enjoyed this, because of how crazy it was. I admit that I had no idea how to play it at first. That may have been part of the design. I just love getting all those medals! I don't know what half of them are even for. Of course, it will be inevitable that I won't get the harder ones.

It really is an anti-game. It's still pretty playable. The design is better than the actual show. I'm always glad when someone makes something new. That's what you did.

NeithR responds:

Thanks for the feedback! :)

I ended up loving this game! It's weird, because I'm really not that good at it. Then again, the medals aren't for a lot of high number of medals. I guess it's just something that's hard for everybody. I like how unpredictable it is. It's such a simple game.

It's hard to really describe it. It is mostly the same thing over and over. Do we ever get to play the arcade game we're putting the coin into? It just seems like a weird arrangement. It's still awesome, at least for me.

I love this game! I know I really shouldn't, simply because of how difficult it is. What do you know? This truly motivated me to keep playing the game! I'm pretty much lost with Atlantis. It's amazing how fun you make something so hard.

You have to keep on going and going with this. I love finding out what's coming up next! Its difficulty seems to change. Maybe it's just how I play the game. It's great as a puzzle game too. You really have to figure out where to go with it. I'm so glad this is on the front page!

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get to this game. It kept saying I had to install Firefox and I really don't want to put new stuff on my computer. It seems like too much work for one game. It seems nice at least!

DimeStudios responds:

Understandable. If Flash was still top dog, there would have been no problem...

I admit that I have a major complaint. It's that the game doesn't tell you how to start the game! Okay, I guess it does mention how you use the ASD keys. I can't seem to use my special. I still appreciated all the adventure this had. I'm generally not into RPG's.

Then again, this really wasn't one. It was cool to see how cute your knight was. Even the enemies were pretty cute! You don't see that often. This was a nice game to cheer me up from getting that moving violation today.

BoMToons responds:

Ha ha, yeah, "special" button plays a much larger role in the full version!

It was weird how it got boring at first, because it was too easy. I was actually glad when it became more difficult. It's quite a nice game. It can take awhile to get good, but it always will! The music was fine too. It was just crazy at how many different kinds of enemies there were.

I managed to last until Level 22 on Survival. I kept getting achievements, but they didn't show up. I don't know if that's how they work. You hear the same laser sounds over and over. It was really big, but still quite good.

Alright, this is really weird. I was able to get the medal for visiting the original website. I could only see half the screen in this. I tried reloading, but nothing worked. I tried scrolling around, but that didn't help either. It seems like a bland game from what I could see.

I at least like how it's different. I just could literally not play it. I'm glad other people liked it. It's just a glitch on my laptop. At least I got SOME medal.

BrandLibel responds:

Hey, that is a weird issue. What browser version are you using?

I admit that most of the time, I am not a fan of point and click adventure games. This was actually pretty nice. It's mostly because of all the funny voices. It just has a nice little goofy tone to it. Most games should do that. The music was nice too.

I guess I managed to get pretty far. I'm pretty sure I got the puzzle in the city hall right. It must be more complex than I thought. I just love how goofy everyone looks too. It's hard to play a game where the only medal is to complete it.

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