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At first, it just seemed pointless. It really did get better as it went along! I just appreciated the idea of being in on the action. It wasn't a game, of course. I felt it had just enough of a small amount to be considered a movie. I really did find myself liking these characters.

You really did put good character development into them. The music is great! I'm glad to get into this series. The designs are nice and different. It's just a good cartoon.

Well, I managed to get one of those medals. I admit to being really turned off by how hard it was. It was especially the part with the boss. I think it was a boss? It was hard because he kept making more enemies. He even himself wasn't that bad, just the more mayhem he created!

It's still a very original design. I really appreciate how good the graphics are. You have to time everything with this game. The projectiles aren't as fast as the enemy ships. The sounds are great too.

AleGui responds:

Sorry about the boss. I think I made it too hard lol...

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get into this game. It was mostly because there were no instructions! I just had no idea what I was supposed to do! I managed to get some medals, I think? It was just so hard for me to intentionally win in this. The art could use some work.

It just made no sense to me. The name's kind of nice, though. This really isn't for me. Uh, Happy Robot Day! It said I had no sound, but I wasn't missing much.

DBuck-Eye responds:

Did you play on an older browser? IE definitely won't have sound.
Sorry it wasn't for you, but thanks for playing!

I had a lot of fun playing this! I will admit that I was turned off by how I couldn't seem to move and fire at the same time. It must be something wrong with this laptop. Anyway, it was great to see all this action going on. The skeletons were the hardest to beat. They were so good with projectile attacks.

It didn't do much given my condition. It was still great to play. There were always new interesting enemies. I love how there are all these upgrades. I forgot you could use that magic spell at first.

I found this game to be pretty good. The best part was probably how you used the colors. Well, I guess black and white aren't colors in the strictest sense. Or maybe...whatever. I just love how I got better at it. No medal showed up when I got 10,000 points.

It was weird how you used the names of the secret medals. They told you what you had to do to get them! Well, I wouldn't know anything about that process. It was playable. It didn't need to bet that well detailed, but I still wouldn't quite recommend it.

This game was certainly deceptive. It had some good creativity, though. I was confused as to how this worked on the second level. It was certainly unpredictable. I just can't even wrap my head around phasing out. The music was fairly good. What did this have to do with lizards?

Well, I didn't get far enough into the game to find out. I pressed Z and it seemed to work. It was weird how you got stuck. I probably should look into it more. Then again, I'm not that interested.

Yes, it did. I'm thinking there might have been something hidden that I was not getting at. I'm fairly certain there wasn't. I guess the layout was good. I can't suggest you to improve with anything, because that wasn't the point. I guess it was a little unique...?

You should have had some music in this. This is the lowest rated thing in the collection, so you got your wish! I just wanted to see how bad the lowest rated one was. It was/is really bad. You should try to be more serious next time.

I actually did enjoy this game, even though it was really hard. It was animated very well. I appreciate all the little things going on. I don't even know what this thing is. It looks like some kind of fat immobile bird. It's a little like "Angry Birds". It's like this guy is being punished for crimes against those pigs.

It was nice to have all these different platforms. I didn't even know how to finish a level at first. It was just too easy. Really skilled people should enjoy this. Then again, I did and I died a lot.

I couldn't understand this game, because I couldn't play it. At first, I thought the screen was frozen with the first part with the guitar hero. I managed to figure out you could press space. I then got to the point where there's talking. I wasn't able to advance beyond that. I tried pressing space again, but nothing worked.

I'm glad I got further than I originally thought. It still doesn't add up to much. The music already seems nice. I like the idea of a guitar superhero. I tried reloading it, but nothing works.

Munguia responds:

to start game just press ANY key, on first room where they are talking you need to walk to the right, i hope you can play next time, thanks for comment, if you need any help check my latest post.

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