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I admit that I was disappointed by this at first. I really appreciate how there are so many different games. It wasn't too difficult or anything. I thought it wouldn't be about zombies at first. I knew I was wrong! You just can't go wrong with zombies nowadays.

The music was great. So were the drawings. It took awhile to figure some of the stuff out. It still ends up being pretty rewarding in the end. That was certainly nice.

Wow, this certainly caught me by surprise! I just had no idea what was going on in this at all. I'm not going to give away how this game works. You really should just figure it out on your own. I love this so much for its creativity. I could just try to figure it out all day.

You have no idea at all what's going to happen. I was able to figure most of it out. It is frustrating with how strange it is. It's still definitely unique. I really can't tell anybody how to play it.

I guess I can't really recommend it, because I'm not very good at it. I do appreciate how it's pretty unique. It's just not my thing. You could have made an easier medal. The music is fairly good. I guess you chose a frog because they hop or something.

The detail is pretty good. It's hard to ask for more, seeing as how that would just make it harder. It's Level 5 I'm having problems with. I'm just quitting now with that. It's pretty easy to understand.

It was hard for me to get into this. It got really annoying with those controls. You should have just been allowed to click over and over. I'm pretty certain the enemies just kept coming and coming. It was frustrating given how hard the controls were. At least I won some medals.

I hate to say that medals are often the only reason I play a game. The music was pretty nice. It was hard to tell if something was tell. They kept killing me as I was firing. At least you created something interesting.

Cutepop responds:

Hi there, thank you for your review. We will be reviewing the controls in our future project. We are glad that you managed to obtain some medals. Thank you very much for playing!

I admit that this was a really creative game. The main problem I had with it is really hard! I just have no idea where to go with this. It was Level 12 that drove me insane. The fact that the medals were so hard to get made it even worse. I still had some fun with it.

It was interesting to learn about how the game was made. I'm pretty sure that was the intention, right? At least you had pretty good mobility. The graphics were well designed. It's just so hard to even recommend this.

This was certainly a decent game. I will admit that I don't see much variance in your entries. It's still nice to see all this little stuff going on. I appreciate how good the artwork is. I admit to being confused by the part with the mouse. I just don't know how to play it.

Finding the token also drives me nuts. The music was fairly good. I like the atmosphere. Zombies will just never die. Well, I mean that in every sense of the word.

I don't think there was any difference at all between the different characters. That was irritating. It didn't seem really worth getting into much. I guess it wasn't terrible. I was certainly easy to start over again. I guess it just got too frustrating after awhile.

The music was quite good and so was the design. It just didn't do much for me. I did like how more obstacles were added. While a pain, it provided some variance. It wasn't good enough to recommend.

I thought this was a movie at first. It only had a couple interactive features. I have certainly seen movies that had more than that. This was still fairly good. The best part is probably the music. I can't remember the other Assault entries.

Stick figures never really will die, huh? Well, the ones in this one might. I'm surprised how bad I was at this. Granted, it was mostly chance but still difficult. t seems to have a pretty good story.

This was actually a pretty good game. I am going nuts trying to figure out what "the last minute" is. It's certainly at least a second. I think the sounds are quite nice. It's just not great. It was weird how difficult this got.

I was afraid you'd have to restore everyone's health. Instead, you simply had to do it to a certain extent. The game was pretty fair like that. I do wonder why there's one fork in the whole restaurant. Who'd want to eat at a place like that anyway?

Okay, this wasn't good, but it was interesting to play. I mean, I had no idea how to play this thing at all. I praise it for how unique it is. I just don't understand what its real purpose is. I guess it has none. Those are some weird noises.

I guess it's a lot more complicated than I thought. I could spend all day trying to figure this out. That's kind of a nice challenge. I would certainly not recommend it. It's just something different.

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