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How do you control the missiles? I try launching them but they never work. They worked once but I don't even know how. This was too basic. I guess the graphics do in fact hold up. It was just too monotonous.

I don't even know if I can die. It needs to have a lot more aim. I mean that in every sense of the word. It's just nothing to care about. How was this about vigilantes?

I couldn't really understand this game. I only checked it out because it had a lot of medals. I don't even know if I found any secrets. It just seems to have no aim. I guess it's fine for something quick. I just can't get behind it.

The colors are pretty good. Isn't it early for Halloween? Well, it wasn't explicitly about Halloween anyways. The music's pretty good. It's just not fun from you.

This was too boring. I mean, it was just nothing but the same thing over and over. You threw down bombs at terrorists. It doesn't mean much at all. It's at least nice to see something close to the 911 attacks about this. Well, nice isn't the best term.

The artwork was pretty goofy. I really can see the smurfs in there! You should have been able to move to other places. It was too bland that way. At least it was harmless.

This was quite good. The best part is how colorful it is. It's better than your previous submissions. I prefer your games more. It seems like you can experiment with a lot of different styles. Experimental stuff can work.

I especially love how they move around. It's hard to say that much about this. It's good for what it is. The music is nice too. That's to be expected.

I assume this game has no end. Honestly, I thought this was pretty good. The best part is probably how simple it is. I got used to it pretty quickly. It can be hard to determine where to land. I didn't understand those red points at first.

Oh, they kill you. I seriously had no idea. The music was very impressive too. For something made in a short time, this was very nice. I can understand its appeal.

nitinkumar25195 responds:

Thank you for the kind words.

I didn't see how this was different from the original game. They were submitted at almost the exact same time. It just seemed to have little point. There wasn't much that was fixed. It was too dull for me to play the whole way through. The sound effects weren't great.

Your later games are much better. I always say that about everything. Well, it's mostly true. I think there was an actual game like this. It's not too appealing.

That was one of the most boring games ever. I guess it might have worked if it was meant to be intentionally boring. It's just a single image. I just don't know what this has to do with anything. It's Powdered Toast Man and a kitten. Why?

At least I could find the flea. The image was too small. Well, I guess if it was bigger, it would have been even more boring. Well, lower quality at least. As always, you get better later.

I love "Spy Vs. Spy", but this was pretty painful. I mean, it was just you in the same position the whole time. You needed mobility. You just pressed the same buttons over and over. At least the title was authentic. It's just two characters.

I know that's the point. There was just little to really care about. Those bombs are pretty good too. It just wasn't fun. I can tell it's your first game.

Oh yeah, this was way better than the previous game. It was great to see all these colors. Not only that, but you got sound! Everything ust moves so fluidly. It doesn't make sense, but it doesn't need to. It's just a nice artistic game.

I can't believe this didn't win Daily Feature! "Psychadelic Butterfly" won it despite being worse. It's not the best out there, but still great. I loved all the options. You've improved so much.

I thought this was alright. It was better than Butterfly, mostly because there was more going on. I mean, you could control the spark here. Or should I say sparks? I still wish there was sound. You do get better.

Well, everyone does here. Everyone does in everything! You have good control. I wish again there were more colors. Rainbows are cool.

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