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Aww, Anti-Bush humor. This never got old. It does look kind of dated. It still isn't much of a game though. At least there's some things you can do. I just wanted you to mock him more.

Of course, you could always do Donald Trump now. It makes me think that he seems to be more actively evil than just stupid like Bush was. Come to think of it, I think even Bush has criticized Trump. Obama really was a good President.

Not as much of a time waster as I had hoped. It was still fine for what it was. My favorite is the cups game. It's probably because I'm so good at it. Seriously, that game is too easy. The gun game was the hardest.

It seemed like a lot of the same cards were right next to each other. I'm glad there was music. I wish it didn't go off when you changed games. Well, that's a minor complaint. I love how it's set up like a Game Boy.

This was okay. It was a pretty wacky game. I thought that I was supposed to be controlling the gerbil at first. I just felt like this didn't have much aim. That wasn't a pun. I literally felt that.

It was too much of the same thing. I did like how goofy it was. The sounds were alright. It's just okay for what it is. Music games are usually good.

I admit that I wasn't too impressed by this. It actually was still pretty playable! I guess it's because it's easy to enjoy killing everyone. Yeah, I'm God! I love the lightning. Your later games are better.

It seems like we never made a section for game series. There should have been one for this. I really wished there was sound. You get better later of course! Oh, this was your debut.

This was unfortunate. I went to the loading screen and it said my browser didn't support it. I tried another one and that failed to work too. It then got better on its own. Then, I just tried playing it and it just showed me this screen that says, "Dodge".

I can see why this is the lowest rated submission for Ludum Dare. Clock Day is tomorrow! There's so much happening here right now! I don't know what MULT means. Everyone else hates it too.

That was quite good. I was confused on how few levels there were. It was so easy at first. I just didn't know there would even be hazards! The music was pretty good. The title's pretty funny.

Congratulations on being the most played game of this dare! Actually, it's also the thumbnail. What success! I guess the artwork could have been better. It's mostly good for what it is.

dietzribi responds:

Thanks :)

Well, this is certainly a unique game. It did motivate me to keep playing. You know, try to find out how the thing even works? It was definitely creative. I can look at this all day and not understand it. It's hard to make progression.

You really have to learn from your mistakes. I'm talking about me, not you. Congratulations on being the most popular game and highest ranked for this dare! Well, it's still not that much. It's still something to be proud of.

squidly responds:

I am? What an honor!

Um, I got a score of over 1000 and nothing happened. I'm glad you could at least jump. Well, it didn't help you much. At least the bombs worked. I'm so thankful you could determine the rate that they go off. Less time is better.

This seems like a pretty good ludum dare. I have no idea why the rating isn't higher. This is really a creative game! I rarely see ludum games this good. At least it's frontpaged.

Rictus25 responds:

Thank you for your comment !

I admit the drawings were crude. Some would argue that's exactly what a "South Park" tribute should have. I know that Kenny has blonde hair. Where was the sound? That was really a negative. He does become a princess later.

Hard to see how far the series has come. I'm just not into these dress up games. It's not that I wanted this to be porn. Far from that. It's just too generic.

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