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That was indeed a great game. I will admit I'm not that good at it. It was hard to keep control of both the arrow keys and the mousepad. I do love these graphics! It seemed like it would be a platformer at first. You know, with the sword as a weapon.

I should look at the genre first. It had great music, which was obviously more of the point. I would have to train to really be good at it. It was appropriate for the tutorial to have a medal. I like all the character designs too.

This was a really cool game! It was so weird, but it worked! I always had fun finding new things. It was all just one room. It can still be challenging. I'd have to look really closely to get everything.

I thought maybe those different looking spikes would help me. No, they kill me too. I love this music. I'm glad to review this as it first came through the trailer. You REALLY need to get the big picture here literally.

QuantumMartin responds:

Thank you a ton for this amazing feedback !

Did you try the speedrun mode ?

Well, this is a good game. I had trouble with the space button at first. I could only dash. I admit that was pretty annoying. Still, it was an interesting game which does have a good amount of carnage. Purple spiders seem like an original idea.

I guess it could have been more detailed. It was still good for a silly little violent game. Thanks for including those videos. It was funny how you put the more valuable medals in first. Happy belated Halloween!

jefvel responds:

Thanks! Yeah the controls aren't exactly explained clearly anywhere. Was planning on adding a tutorial, might do that later on. I just put the game together in a week to participate in the Halloween spooktacular event, but might add some more stuff to it later on :)

Level 5 is the one I can't get past. I know there's a tutorial somewhere. There's a video for everything nowadays of course! I love the music too. I won't waste time describing how to beat every level. It would take up too much of a review.

I love how your games are challenging, yet look simplistic. It shows how well you can work with minimalism. I finally understand the whole gameplay! Well, that was after reading the author comments. I like to figure it out more on my own.

Well, I genuinely had fun with this. I appreciated how great the graphics were. The tutorial was pretty long. It doesn't matter, because this game was hard as Hell! I mean, I had no idea there'd be dozens of these monsters coming at me! I could barely get ahead!

There was so much insanity going on! It was just too hard to take on these guys at once! Well, I don't want to be whiney. I'd have to train a lot to really get good at this. It's still very fun and Happy Halloween!

Well, I did in fact enjoy this game, but it was too hard. It's mostly because of taking down those enemies. You had to be really careful with the timing in this one. It's still quite enjoyable. I really appreciate the graphics. You use green quite well.

I guess it can be a scary color after all. The music's fine too. It's just frustrating when all those enemies come together. The fact that they respawn doesn't help. Well, at least it's challenging.

Protip: Go to the ... on the top of the screen for a lower percentage to see everything. I really did like this game! I wish I had some idea how I even won the levels. I mean, I didn't know what I did to win the first one! I truly enjoyed this. "Bounce Back" is one of my favorite games!

You truly are an underappreciated NGer. The enemies were quite unique. It got annoying with how just one shot killed you. At least one shot just killed them too! At least it got close to Daily Feature.

KilledByAPixel responds:

Thank you! What do you mean by "Go to the ... on the top of the screen..."?

You complete levels by killing all the enemies, there is a radar on the bottom of the screen to show you where they are.

Wow, this was rather odd. I had no idea it was the actual game at first. The best parts were probably how I did manage to get ahead. I am not going to give away my private information. I appreciate how different it is. It's still pretty annoying.

That is of course the point. I don't know how to do that Van Gogh bit as I don't think it's possible. I noticed the dildo food. I mean, I knew it was a game, but that's when it really got weird. I don't know how to get so far in this.

Wow, this was a good game, but it was certainly hard! I will not complain about medals. I will not complain about medals. I loved the graphics. They were so wonderfully goofy. The enemies were nicely designed as well.

Everything flowed together so well. You just REALLY had to plan everything out. I had forgotten about Ludum Dare 49. We did get good games out of it after all. The goofy music also fits too.

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