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I knew I was going to quit this game the first time I died. While I did, I was surprised at how far I got. I managed to get to Level 10, which most people were probably able to do anyway. There seem to be a lot of games here unwinnable by design. Then again, there's a walkthrough. So, is it something that can in fact be beaten? If you had medals here, people would go insane.

The graphics were fairly decent. It could have been more detailed, but it didn't need to be. It worked well because it was, well, hard. I was surprised at how it could awhile to warm up. Of course, that's how most video games are.

This reminds me a lot of when I used to play the piano. Dang, why do we even have that thing anymore? I appreciated how authentic it was. I'm always interested in seeing just what goes into the creation of video game songs or any tune really. My only problem was that I think the graphics could have been better. I know there isn't supposed to be much detail, but it would still help.

I like how you can use the keyboard. That gives you a more realistic sense of using the keyboard. They seem to be pretty much the same way they act in real life. I can recognize most of these tunes. Then again, so can everyone here probably.

I was thinking that I had played this game before, but it was another game you guys worked on that was similar. I recognized the enemies. With that being said, I thought this was good. What I didn't like about it was how it was just basically the same enemies over and over. I still have to give you credit for having some different settings. It's a game where you can really go as fast or slow as you want.

More games should have that. I really like the music, as it sounds like something from a Batman movie. I didn't need to read the instructions to understand how to play this. You have a good number of oppurtunities to survive. The graphics are good, especially on the menu.

I am sorry, but I did not like this game at all. I think the strangest thing about it was probably how it didn't let me advance anywhere. This seemed to be the only level. I can understand if you want to do something different, but this just didn't have anything noteworthy. The graphics were way too simple. I noticed there was even some glitch where you could go down and see the whole top of the picture.

No matter where I sniped, it always beheaded by enemies. The color effects are weak as well. You might want to spice it up by having some music in it. The enemies could also have a different, more detailed design. It was too easy for a "challenge".

I admit that this in fact a pretty fascinating game. I think the main thing I like about it is how you have a lot of choices you can make. It doesn't give you that much freedom, but it's still fun. I wish I could have played this around Valentine's Day. I guess I've learned the new location of the newest series/collections on this website. Think of yourself as special for being the first of its kind for me to review.

I really like the heart beats. I was confused at first exactly how to unlock everything. I'm fairly certain that the sheerfire way is to go along those little dots. Before that, there were just big words to go across. While not complicated, it works well in its simplicity.

I just like the visuals you create with this idiot going around. I admit that the level I am having difficulties with is the third one. Gee, I thought I had already done three levels. I like how there are so many colors and different ways that the blocks work. If you're this dumb, you probably deserve to die anyway. I like the stupid dance he does after completing a level. This music is also great.

It may not be the best remix, but it's still fun to listen to. The graphics probably could be better, but they look fine for the year they came out. The backgrounds are fine too. I am a bit nervous when he disappears offscreen with the balloon, but that's never a problem. Not one of mofunzone's best, but still good.

I admit that I didn't like this as much as most people. The graphics look quite dated. What I didn't understand was how it seemed like I couldn't even lose in this. I went ahead and I seemed to advance no matter what I did. Why is the submitting score part disabled? I guess there was a fairly nice use of colors. You just needed to have more things like shading effects.

It was kind of funny when he yelled. Maybe that shows how little I care for this guy. Oh wait, I just found out why the score isn't working. It's a pity a Daily Feature would be forgotten like this. I guess it was pretty unique, but needs more appealing things in my opinion.

I think this game's biggest weakness was how the graphics looked. Yes, someone reviewed this for the first time in nine years! Anyway, it just seemed too bland and looks far too dated. I was expecting a game more like the Tank ones where you get to shoot at other people. Some of the designs were good, with how the buildings were destroyed. I thought you might be able to hit them again.

I should have known better not to and instead hit a civilian building. I was pretty confused as to how I lost. I hit my enemy targets and then it was just game over. Well, it wasn't something I wanted to advance that much into, anyway. Hi, XwaynecoltX!

It's great to see how well this holds up. You wouldn't expect something inspired by "South Park" to have good animation. This was very nicely animated and I really liked how you made a good contrast between the appearance of the main characters and the background. I don't even think that was done in the SP style. I like how you get on a personal level with this characters. These killers have ordinary things happen to them like everyone else.

I also thought it was cool how it switched perspective. It seems like you had in the mini game where he resists just for fun. You can't really win it, it's something that is inevitable. The voices were also fairly impressive. You never know want you'll run into here.

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