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I'm going to have to go with what my mom says and say that this game was really "cute" to play. It has a great winter theme to it and I am glad it was made as well as the large selection of music you used. It took me awhile to realize that I had to press the "S" key to fight the bears. The birds are harder, and I wish there was a medal for beating them! Anyway, great job on the detail and I love this has such a great cartoony feel to it. It seems like the kind of game you would see on a website that was really trying to open up to all kinds of people, which this site does.

I assume the shoe powerup made you faster, because I am not quite able to figure out exactly what it does. The music gives it a really homey feeling. It got a little annoying with having to fight off the birds and everything, but still very enjoyable. The main character just looks so adorable whenever he thaws out an animal. The animals used in this are really cute as well.

Well paced

I thought this had some good graphics in it, but the downside was that it was actually pretty hard to understand. At first, I did not look at the instructions and thought that I lost my killing the caveman! What is kind of annoying is that you have to start right at the beginning after losing. As there are a lot of levels, that can get pretty frustrating. I did manage to get really far, and only failed because I wanted to get the medal of hitting the bird! As I care little for cavemen, I had no problem crushing them.

The music was pretty appropriate and I am now starting to notice that all of these games are ice themed. Man, I should have really caught onto that earlier. This is the kind of game that takes patience and unless you are skilled at timing, you should probably spend too much time on it. There could have been some more detail in the cave, but it would have probably not mattered. Next time, yes, you should have allowed us to start on the same level.

tomdeaap responds:

Hmmm... Cool review.

Epic indeed

Now, I was never good at games like these, so I did not get that far, but I still have to recommend it. What I really liked was how the atmosphere was just perfect. I was actually not expecting anything that good. I guess when I view something where the title is in lowercase, it turns me off. I was pleasently surprised to find out that this really had a ton of work put into it and it's amazing you did it in only 72 hours. It does take quite awhile to get good, but at least you were kind enough to include the walkthrough.

It seemed like the voices were just great for this. In fact, I think I may have even enjoyed this more if it was a flash cartoon and not a game. Even the walls of the ice jail are well done, as every shape seems to have a different style. The music went just perfectly with the game; it's a nice, calm tune to it but still brings off a feeling of being trapped. I might never get a medal, but at least I had fun looking at it.

MonoFlauta responds:

Oh dont worry, you will get that medal

Awesome that you like it :) I love this type of reviews because they are the one that tell us that we did a good job and we gave fun (even for five minutes) to someone :)
Thanks for the review :)

Impressive for me

Dude, I can not believe that I got the secret medal on the first try! Now, I will not discuss where it is because I should not and you should be able to find it as I did. I really like the graphics in this, especially with how the bear looks. It really seems to be the perfect representation of what a bear would look like in a game like this. It seems like you made a strong addition for the NG Jam and the preview icon even made it on the cover! While not that detailed, the good definitley outweighs the bad.

What's really fun about this game is that you can really just let yourself go around and around all over. With the random things spread out, you are bound to stumble upon some of them. I found it not necessary to have to find shelter in an igloo. Of course, it did lead up to that funny part of the ice bear or whatever kicking you out. It seems like bears are popular on the Internet, but they should have more games like the one you made. The sound is really quaint and its sort of dullness fits the bear's deadpan face.

Simple, but tons of fun

I am glad people are making New Year's theme stuff a lot. In fact, I think this might be the best year (or years) for submissions about the new year. It was a little hard to understand the gameplay, but it really took off once you got started. In fact, this is really the kind of game that plays itself after awhile. After you get a bunch of them on screen in the later levels, you can really just click anywhere you want and it will look nice! I love how this turned out to be exactly what it should be, a very simple game.

While the graphics could use some more detail (especially the balloons) it becomes so absorbing the player does not count. It seems like you were really trying to reach into the inner child of us all. Balloons are a great symbol of childhood innocence or simply celebration. This really celebrates in its own simplicity. Another nice touch was how there were random balloons that exploded on the screen. I certainly hope this will indeed be a great year.

Nice, but hard

This game definitley has good points that probably override its weaker parts. The thing I liked most about this was that the graphics/animation were really good. Everything looked like it was detailed well, and I especially like the ice theme. It seems like kind of a random theme for a game about a machine, but no random than anything else. The bad part is that you really have to pay attention as to what is going on and learn from your mistakes. I imagine it would be impossible to beat this thing on your first run.

As the game goes on, there are more hazards produced and you have to notice the exact pattern of every single one. At first, I thought the missiles were something you fired at that would eventually be destroyed. However, they seem to really just stop on their own. It might be my controller, but it seemed hard for me to keep up with the changing waves. It is a good game, but boy, do you have to pay attention as it becomes more unpredictable.


This needed tons of work because it just had so little about it that stood out. The sound was really off and there did not seem to be any color at all except for the blood. I suggest that next time you try to work a lot more with different colors and shading. It kind of made me laugh with how silly and easy it was. I guess I am the kind of person who is on the move or at least right now I am. You should try to put in more detail like better design and more things going on in the background and stuff.

Fairly good

The only Christmas theme it had was with the green and red lights and stuff. It was still fun to play this, even though the controls were fairly hard to understand. The funniest part was seeing the balls get hit by asteroids and I am almost disappointed that was a bad thing for the player. It is certainly an original game, it is perhaps not executed in the best way. The mouse and the WASD keys seem to be in conflict with each other. It still had a nice theme to it with you just spinning in space all the time.

CyanSandwich responds:

Thanks for the review. It really wasn't supposed to have anything to do with christmas, but I chucked a christmas cracker in there because it was close to that time.

Merry Christmas!

This was a fun game to play because the graphics were really good. There were some things about it that were kind of weird, like how you had to wait so long for it to stop reducing your points or something. I am still very glad to have this as my first review for none other than Christmas Day! I like how everything seems to have a lot of detail put into it. I have little idea what pies and grenades have to do with Santa, but I can appreciate random stuff. It was also nice to include the Christmas tune with it.

Needs more work

I guess this was not the worst game I have ever played, but there was a lot of room for improvement. The best thing to do would be to really work on the animation. This sort of game has been done before many times and there was just not anything unique about it. The best part was that the weapons were actually pretty well designed. I would work on things like shading and having a wider variety of colors. The music was pretty appropriate but it seems like the characters could have had more variety.

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