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This turned out to be quite an impressive game. I think the best thing about it is how you can spin around and attack like that. Well, it's more jumping, but you get the idea. I really appreciated all the different designs of the enemies. Granted, that made a lot of them harder than others, but whatever. I guess I just really like the design.

It's great to see you move so fluidly. With the big guys, you could die just by getting caught in them for awhile. I couldn't understand if that was a "C" or "G" at first. It's still a wonderful game. The music was fine too.

I enjoyed this. I think it is pretty original. I recall some other games like this, but they didn't really incorporate this kind of gameplay. It's been a long time since there has been one like this. Then again, this game is seven years old. I think the graphics could be much better.

I actually could get into this. I thought it was interesting to look out for what was coming up next. It wasn't too easy as you could get cocky quite fast. This was fine enough for a quick play. I don't know what the difference in some of the tiles is.

This wasn't that bad of a game. I admit that it's not really that interesting. I don't see what the logic is in pointing out different zombies. You want to kill them all! At least the designs were pretty good. Zombies really have given us some good designs like that.

Maybe that's one reason why they're so popular. The music was nice. You probably could make them a little more well drawn. I didn't know you had to go to the other side of the picture in some levels. Not great, but far from bad.

I admit that this didn't seem like a good game at first. It just seemed like it would be too easy. After all, obviously you would have a lot of lives, right? No, it's quite the opposite. While it lacks detail, it really is quite a good game. It tested my memory well.

It seemed so easy at first. Of course, that's how it is with a lot of games. I appreciate you wanting to do something original. While not a masterpiece, I really would recommend this. It's something different.

This was a good game. It did have its flaws. I did not like it how it was a bit hard to hit your enemies. It was just weird how it was all laid out. It was still quite creative, if a little weird, with the black blobs. Well, there's more to it in the game!

I thought the controls were really weird. You should have made them customizable. Those are always good for games. The music was pretty good. I do think the graphics are good.

josh-tamugaia responds:

Thanks Ericho. Well, the game was quite rushed. I hurried up for a game contest. In the end, it still didn't make the deadline...

I love this game! I can see why Sam T voted this as his all time favorite! Granted, he doesn't have that many favorite games, but still. I just had no idea whatsoever at what I would do in this. I managed to lose in every single level except for the final one! That's probably the most satisfying kinds of losses you could make.

I could have sworn I had played this before. I must have just gotten the thumbnail confused. Everything is wonderful and colorful. It's neat to try to figure out which games they came from or were based on. I was really confused with the pipe jumping game. I guess that was like Mario?

Orange is my favorite color! Now that I think about it, I can't really tell much of the difference between these games anyway. I found it to be harder than the previous entries. Oh yeah, that's the difference. I still enjoyed this, because I like myself a challenge! Is that bad grammar?

It probably is. I've been in the South too long. The music was as good as ever. There was truly a wide variety of things to look at in this. While difficult, it's still nice to learn how to use your strategy.

I got an 84% accuracy and people still booed at me. I think that's good enough. I liked how it did have easy gameplay. Then again, it would probably help to put more detail in this. It was still pretty playable. I believe I've heard those boos before.

It's nice to just have a straight forward shooting game. The sounds are fairly nice. I can't really say that much good or bad about this. I think the good did outweigh the bad. It gave you what a game like this should.

I found this to be a pretty good game. While not one of my favorite zombie games, it was still quite fun. I really did like to go around and chainsaw these guys up. It got a bit too hard at first. I am glad there are other weapons. It would have been too difficult without them.

The graphics are fairly good. Some of the sounds do get annoying. I love how some zombies pop out of their graves. It's an obvious thing that should appear more. Glad this was made around Halloween.

I found this to be quite unique. I do think you could do better with the CGI. That hasn't worked out so well for this website. I did like how it was a different premise. It was interesting to see a zombie head fly like that. Chainsaws are probably the coolest weapons.

It's overall pretty well done. It's not so much a golf game as one of those launching games. I like those better anyway. I knew there would be stuff along the way like the stop sign. I myself didn't understand how to aim at first.

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