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At first, I thought it was just too easy. I thought maybe I had to change the position of whatever it was that was firing onto the other...things. Yeah, the fact that I could never go on par got frustrating. Those comments were actually kind of funny, though. I know that TBA usually stands for "To Be Announced". Come on, that's what it stands for.

The music was really good in this. You, jmtb02, are a very good author. Well, do authors make games? Creator, I guess is the correct term. I liked the bright colors too.

I really am having the worst of luck lately. This was a good game, but it was so hard to advance! Every level was so complicated and the fact that it didn't have medals until after beating FIVE of them was no help. I simply couldn't play this anymore, because I have stuff to do today! Well, I thought the artwork was very well done.

I always want to see the latest stuff from you. I didn't know you could even hurt the ghosts. I thought it would be silly to try to kill them! There was so much going on, it was hard to make order of everything. It must have taken forever to make, seriously.

I found this game to be okay. I did not like the controls. If you're going to move with the arrow keys, then you should be able to jump with them too. I didn't think the designs were anything that good. I would have preferred if you just jumped on enemies to kill them. Then again, people might claim that was a ripoff of Mario.

The music's fairly nice. I can't really get much control out of this guy. I wish I could kill the spike guys. They at least SEEM like they're alive, not that that's stopped people from not killing them before. I wasn't even motivated enough to get a medal.

TheEnkian responds:

Fair enough, the game may not appeal to everybody. Thanks for giving it a shot though. Honestly, the carrot spikes were just animated because it was nice to have them animated rather than them actually being alive.

The musician, Lloyde, reads these too so he'll be glad to hear you liked his tracks!

When I came across this, I thought it was going to be something really great. The title alone reminded me of "Abobo's Great Adventure". This...wasn't anywhere as good as that. It made it seem like it would be a bunch of game styles put into one, but it was not. It was hard to get into. I think the screen was too small.

I at least remember some of the game elements from other games. I don't like it how the enemies have different ways of being defeated. I can tell you thought this was primitive. The graphics could be better too. The music's okay, I suppose.

This was just an okay game. I'm surprised it had nothing to do with Halloween. It's a pretty popular holiday on this website. It seems like you're doomed when a large fish gets to you. The "Halp!" is a good indication you're gonna die soon. I remember this music from "Madness Combat".

I don't think of the two works as being that intense. The graphics aren't bad. There was just nothing that stood out that much about this. It was easy to understand at least. You could have made it more educational.

I thought it would be a game where you clicked on a car to race. Maybe it would have been more fun if it was something like that. I really appreciate how it was unique. It was of course still frustrating. Here's an easy way to determine which one is yours. You just go to the left or right side and it will appear.

The other click icons don't do that. I thought you had to stop the other cursors from reaching it. You just had to not confuse them for yours. It would have been impossible if not for that. I thought you just had to click in the same position over and over at first!

Yeah, this is another game that's really mediocre. I guess it was kind of nice to learn about Indian arrange marriage. This really does have a weird name when you truly think about it. I was hoping it would be more educational. I can only guess this is how people are in India. Never got into that arranged marriage stuff.

Granted, it would probably WORK for me now. I guess the music is quite good. It is just clicking on a bunch of stuff over and over. The artwork could be better too. It has a fairly authentic feel to it.

It's difficult to say anything too bad about this. I guess we should just enjoy slice of life games. It really was nice to have a game so simple. It helps that the drawings are great. I guess it could have just used a bit more interaction. I managed to get new medals every time trying, so that's a plus!

The music is nice and pleasant too. While not too memorable, I appreciated this. It's probably the best in the series so far. Granted, that's mostly because I'm just getting used to these games. My mom's getting groceries today!

This was a fairly good game. I would recommend it, even though the graphics could use some work. You probably do need to have more design. It still works fine for what it turned out to be. I really like the powerup where you can fly. Then again, you can't get coins with that.

The music is quite ambitious in this. It just seems very fitting in this game. I was afraid I would have to literally drag the car around. While not that great, still very playable. It's interesting to have a driving game that also never ends.

I am quite sorry, but I did not find this enjoyable at all. It seemed like it was just the same thing as any other skiing game. The graphics look really outdated. It seems like something from 2003! I guess there are people who do like it. I just do not see it.

I don't know how the bonuses work. You need to not make everything just the same in terms of landscape. The trees just seemed to be the same design. It was not very creative. Dang, it's been a long time since I've skied.

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